Monday, September 18, 2017

New Dentist Conference offers opportunity to network, share experiences

When North Carolina dentist Dr. Kristin Kaelke Miller says that one of the highlights of the New Dentist Conference is the networking, she means it.

Drs. Kristin Kaelke Miller and Scott Driver, best friends from dental school, reunite in Denver while attending the 2016 New Dentist Conference.

Drs. Kristin Kaelke Miller and Scott Driver, best friends from dental school, reunite in Denver while attending the 2016 New Dentist Conference.

“Well, at the meeting last year in Denver, I met someone at my 16th District lunch table that led me to get my awesome new job out of it,” Dr. Miller said. “An associate was there from a practice that was two minutes from where I live. The practice was somewhat new, but I don’t know if I would have found out about them as quickly if we hadn’t sat down and started talking that day. They were looking for someone with my background and experience, and the timing was perfect. Networking doesn’t get much better than that for me.”

Dr. Miller, a member of the class of 2011 of the University of Missouri-Kansas City School of Dentistry, has been going to the New Dentist Conference since 2014, with plans to attend this year’s event in Atlanta in October, concurrent with ADA 2017 – America’s Dental Meeting.

The New Dentist Committee chair at the North Carolina Dental Society, Dr. Miller said there are many reasons why she makes it a point to be a part of each year’s New Dentist Conference. “I love going to see old friends and faces and network with other like-minded dentists, new and old,” she said. “I catch up with old classmates from my dental school in Kansas City, but I get to see a lot of new dentist friends that live all across North Carolina, too. Even though we’re in the same state and all fairly involved in organized dentistry, I don’t regularly see them, so it’s fun to be able to hang out and relax together. I get a lot of opportunity to do continuing education near me, so the continuing education, social events and food are a bonus.”

Dr. Jarvis

Dr. Jarvis

Louisiana-based Dr. Raymond Jarvis, who graduated from the Louisiana State University School of Dentistry in 2010, is one of two national New Dentist Committee members that work with the ADA to organize and plan the New Dentist Conference.

Dr. Jarvis first attended the conference last year, and said he is a strong advocate for new dentists to come to Atlanta.

“One tough part about being a dentist is that we work in our practices by ourselves or with a small group of other dentists day in and day out,” Dr. Jarvis said. “The New Dentist Conference gives us a chance to interact with other new dentists from around the country to share and learn about our successes and failures. It can be very freeing to learn that we all share similar experiences of learning to manage the daily goings on of a dental practice, supporting our student debt, juggling work and family life, etcetera. On top of that, we have an amazing lineup of inspirational speakers and CE courses as part of the New Dentist Conference.”

He added: “We really have put in a lot of work in to make this an amazing conference. I am looking forward to seeing many new dentists at the conference. I hope that everyone takes full advantage of everything the New Dentist Conference and the ADA Meeting has to offer.”

The New Dentist Conference is Oct. 19-21 at the Georgia World Congress Center in Atlanta, concurrent with ADA 2017 – America’s Dental Meeting. Register at

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