Sunday, September 17, 2017

Cosmetic Dentistry Tops The List As Most Popular Dental Practice Service (Video)

Dental practice marketing with internet videoIn addition to family and general dentistry, most dental practices provide additional types of dentistry.

Dental implants, cosmetic dentistry, and braces are some of the many services dentists offer.

“We offer a very wide range of services for a general dentist: Invisalign, sedation dentistry, dental implant placement & restoration, CEREC, most Endo, Perio, and Oral Surgery. Without this broad offering, we would be doing much worse financially,” said a Minnesota dentist.

“More than half of our practice is dental implants now,” said a California dentist.

We conducted a survey asking dentists which services their dental practice offers.

Jim Du Molin and Julie Frey discuss the vareity of services that dentists offer:


What are the most popular dental services offered?

Besides general and family dentistry, cosmetic dentistry is number one. In fact, 86% of dentists responding to this survey offer cosmetic treatment.

Over 70% of dentists also mentioned tooth whitening, dental implants and crowns, dentures, and children’s dentistry.

Over half of dentist respondents also offer root canal therapy and treat gum disease.

What types of dentistry are less commonly offered?

Just under half of respondents mentioned TMJ, Invisalign, and wisdom teeth. Only one in three offers sedation dentistry, and one in four provide orthodontics or treat sleep apnea.

It’s important that dentists consider the types of treatment they offer when creating a dental marketing plan.

“In our litigious society it is better to refer anything that can be done better by a specialist, including molar endo. It is not worth the trouble, and the patients will love you for referring. You lose patients on whom you do extractions – trust me, that is spoken with 50 years’ experience,” said a New York dentist.

“Oral conscious sedation is great combination with CEREC users – one appointment dentistry while sedated,” said an Oklahoma dentist.

“An oversupply of orthodontists and general dentists doing braces and other orthodontic procedures will mean more competition for the few patients considering treatment,” said a Wisconsin orthodontist.

“I have been teaching and doing Botox injections for over 7 years. Where else can one earn about $500 profit in under 5 minutes? Cosmetics pays,” said a New Jersey dentist.

Jim thinks dentists should offer services that, number one, patients are interested in, and number two, that the dentist likes providing.

“To me, those are the two essential elements of a successful dentist: making a profit – and enjoying yourself while you do so,”  said  Jim.

The post Cosmetic Dentistry Tops The List As Most Popular Dental Practice Service (Video) appeared first on The Wealthy Dentist.

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