Sunday, September 17, 2017

Dental Sedation Survey Results Are In

Dental sedation surveyOur dental management survey this week asked dentists if they offer sedation dentistry.

We also asked what fees doctors charge for various types of dental sedation.

All of our survey respondents offer sedation as a service in their practices, and fees vary widely among those who offer it.

Fees ranged from a low of $45 for nitrous oxide to highs of $500 for IV sedation and $600 for pediatric sedation.

Fees average about $300 for oral conscious sedation that helps lower dental anxiety.

When we asked which types of dental treatment prompted the most sedation requests from patients, we found that the type of dental service was not the deciding factor.

Patients who suffer from fear of dentists and dental anxiety request dental sedation for everything:

“All phases from prophies to impacted extractions,” said a New Jersey general dentist.

“All procedures if need be,” said a general dentist who practices in Canada.

Sedation dentistry can be a useful tool for treating patients.

It can also be an effective dental marketing opportunity for dentists who want to differentiate their practice by offering additional services.

However, offering sedation dentistry is major commitment to undertake, due to the additional training involved, state licensing requirements, and the availability and costs of dental practice insurance.

Have you considered offering dental sedation in your practice? Why, or why not?

The post Dental Sedation Survey Results Are In appeared first on The Wealthy Dentist.

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