Sunday, September 17, 2017

Dentist Survey: Do You Offer Botox® Treatments At Your Practice?

Do you offer Botox at your dental practice?Botox® has clinical uses in a dental practice — for treating TMJ (temporomandibular joint disorder), or helping elderly patients relieve drooling that occurs due to loss of muscle tone.

In states where a dental license allows dentists to administer it for cosmetic purposes, Botox® patients can be a welcome addition to the practice’s cash flow.

One might easily argue that dermal fillers are not that far removed from smile design and other types of cosmetic dentistry.

“I think it is a purely personal decision as long as the training is there. It would be entirely appropriate in a highly cosmetic practice.” Texas dentist

We’ve conducted surveys on this topic in the past, and the results showed that 70% of respondents had no problem with dentists providing Botox® treatments.

We wanted an update, so we asked: Should dentists provide Botox® and dermal fillers?

Again, most of the doctors saw no problem with offering the treatments, but this time it was a smaller 55% majority.

Speaking for the minority,18% of our dentists survyed think Botox® is approprate only for therapeutic use, and 27% think providing dermal fillers is not an appropriate role for dentists.

We also asked: Do you offer Botox® or Restylane injections at your dental practice?

It’s not surprising that 27% responded that they do not and never will.

The rest of our dentists were split: 9% said they offer Botox® or Restylane injections and their patients love it; 27% said they would if state regulations allowed; and 37% said they don’t yet provide dermal fillers, but might someday.

The bottom line is — in states that allow it — offering Botox® comes down to a dental management decision.

“We know our way in and around the face better than most estheticians and are skilled with a syringe. I have offered it in my practice and not found it to be worth the investment of time and materials. Too many people look for the next Groupon.” Colorado dentist

Have you considered offering Botox® at your dental practice?

The post Dentist Survey: Do You Offer Botox® Treatments At Your Practice? appeared first on The Wealthy Dentist.

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