Sunday, September 17, 2017

Dental Marketing Survey: Does The Phone Book Still Bring In New Patients?

Dental marketing with the phone bookIn our most recent dental marketing survey, only 25% of respondents are still getting patients from the phone book, and just 13% are using a display ad.

Three-quarters of our dentist survey participants are getting either very few or no phone book patients at all.

When we asked this same question a year ago, although the trend was clear, it’s interesting to see how much and how fast dental marketing has changed.

One year ago, 39% of our dentists were getting patients from the phone book, and 57% were using display ads; 61% said they were getting few to no patients.

An Ohio prosthodontist speaks for the 75% majority in our digital society:
Phone book? What’s a phone book? Since most people don’t know what one is, we don’t bother advertising in it. It doesn’t make sense anymore…Don’t waste your money!”

Our survey also revealed that 88% of our dentists are getting new patients from dental websites.

And 50% are getting mobile marketing results from patients using their smart phones.

Clearly, the internet and mobile devices have virtually replaced phone books as far as consumer search resources are concerned.

But before tossing out the phone book entirely, an Illinois dentist reminded us that it’s important to know your market’s demographics.

“The phone book brings in a lot of older adults. Patients usually call for extraction or dentures but often end up with implants, perio and bridgework. These are patients who don’t cruise the web but call when they are ready for care.”

Older Baby Boomers and their seniors may not be digitally savvy, but they still need dental care. If they’re part of your market, the phone book may still be a viable channel for your dental practice marketing.

Are phone book patients part of your target market?

The post Dental Marketing Survey: Does The Phone Book Still Bring In New Patients? appeared first on The Wealthy Dentist.

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