Wednesday, March 15, 2017

What’s The Average Value of a Dentures Patient?

Average value of a dentures patientAs aging Baby Boomers lose more teeth, offering in-house dentures can be a good way to bring in new patients.

The Wealthy Dentist decided to find out how many dentists are taking advantage of this trend — and how much revenue a new dentures patient can add to a practice’s bottom line.

We conducted a survey asking dentists about offering dentures in-house,  and average fees in their local market.

Of course,  not all dentists enjoy working with dentures patients. On the downside, the work often involves multiple extractions, and dentures can be difficult to fit properly.

Patients who struggle with adjusting to the realities of living with false teeth can be more demanding and take more time to treat.

Despite these potential negatives, only 9% of the dentists who responded to our survey said they refer dentures patients out to a prosthodontist.

More than 90% of the dentists who participated in our survey offer in-house denture services.

“I thoroughly enjoy it,” commented an Illinois dentist.

“It’s a good service,” added a Virginia dentist. “A lot of patients think they are over priced but actually they are under priced.”

And speaking of prices…from a dental management viewpoint, we also wanted to know the average value of a dentures case.

We asked about the average fee for a full set of upper and lower dentures in the dentists’ local markets. Most fees were between $1,500 and $3,000.

However, as we expected, fees varied depending on local geographical market. They ranged from a low of $1,000 in Florida to a high of $5,000 in New York.

A Texas dentist told us, “I am competing with a local denture center that has much lower fees. It has reduced my full price denture business.”

This illustrates an important point. Small dental practices need to be familiar with and responsive to their local markets.

Knowing the local market value of various dental services can help you plan which types of treatments to offer.

It can also help you plan your dental marketing budget for that type of new patient.

Are in-house dentures profitable in your dental market?

The post What’s The Average Value of a Dentures Patient? appeared first on The Wealthy Dentist.

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