Tuesday, March 14, 2017

'Spring Cleaning' For Your Oral Health

With Spring only a couple of weeks away, we think it’s the perfect time for you to give your oral hygiene routine a thorough make over!


Here’s our checklist to help you stay on top of your dental care:

  1. Get a new toothbrush. We recommend replacing your toothbrush every 3-4 months, and mid March is the perfect time to pick a new one up.

  2. Check the expiration date on your oral hygiene products. Just how long have you been holding onto that bottle of mouthwash or that denture cleaner? Give the label a good check to make sure everything is still in good standing (while you’re at, why not check the labels of any other medications you may be keeping in your bathroom cupboard as well?)

  3. Book a cleaning. You should be coming in for a cleaning, at minimum, every six months. Now’s the time to check your calendar and make sure you’re up to date.

  4. Freshen up your breath. Stock up on (sugar free) chewing gum and mints and make sure you’ve always got some on hand in your backpack, purse, or wallet. You never know when you’re going to need them.

  5. Prevention is the best medicine. If you’ve noticed anything about your oral health that seems abnormal or off, make a note of it and see if it changes or gets better. Make sure you book an appointment with your dentist if things get worse or don’t improve!

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