Friday, March 3, 2017



Recently I have been using the Futudent EduCam for taking full arch pictures for treatment planning and documentation. I use the camera mounted on my loupes. I have noticed that this is a big benefit for me, because when something unexpected happens during the procedure it is immediately ready to use. Just by pressing the foot pedal I immediately take pictures of exactly what I see through my loupes. The pictures are directly stored on the computer from which I can copy directly to the patient files. If I compare this to the use of a hand held camera there are some advantages using Futudent: now I do not have to take off my gloves and stop the procedure in order to take the picture and then afterwards transfer the picture from the SD card to the computer. Additionally the digital camera is often not close by and I am usually too busy to set up the camera to take the pictures I need.

When I take a full arch picture I hold the mirror in one hand and in the other hand I have the air water spray hand piece that I use to keep the mirror clean. I look at the center of the palate or tongue through the mirror and press the pedal to take the picture. In case the patient holds the lip retractor I can take the picture alone without support from my nurse. Usually my nurse looks at the live view screen and helps me to place the mirror in the correct position and steer my head in the right position in order to take a good full arch picture. Alternatively I can mount the camera on the dental chair light: I then hold the mirror with one hand and adjust the light (with the camera) into the right position.

Fig 1.1 - 1.3. The patient came because of a fractured crown. I planned to prepare the tooth to make a new one. However, during the preparation I noticed that the entire tooth was fractured. I took these pictures to show to the patient and made a new appointment to extract the tooth. In many similar cases it is easier to explain to the patient the treatment need especially in cases when something unexpected happens.

Fig 2.1 - 2.3 Typical pictures that I take for treatment planning and documentation

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