Friday, March 10, 2017

ADA had plenty to celebrate in 2016

Saving ADA members $4.4 million in loan consolidations. Patient education reaching over 21 million people on social media. And celebrating 150 years of the Code of Ethics.

The ADA can celebrate a multitude of highlights in 2016.

For the second year, the Association released a video and infographic to visually articulate the impact, reach and value of ADA membership.

These achievements on public education, community service, advocacy and helping members succeed can be shared via social media. These accomplishments, highlighted in the two-and-a-half minute video and one-page infographic include:

  • 477 million patient visits to ADA dentists nationwide.
  • 6 million visits to ADA websites, up 21 percent from 2015. This includes 70,000 visits on members-only practice resources.
  • 3 billion media impressions, including mentions by media in 29 countries.
  • 150,112 hours of continuing education completed by ADA members.
  • The election of four dentists into the U.S. House of Representatives.
  • Treatment of 300,00 children through the Give Kids A Smile program.
  • 6 new patents and 20 published articles from the Volpe Research Center.

For more information on the 2016 ADA Highlights, visit

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