Wednesday, March 15, 2017

How Do Dentists Use Social Networking? (Video)

Dental practice marketing with internet video

Do social media sites play a significant role in doctors’ dental marketing efforts?

Social networking has become part of the dental marketing landscape.

But not all dentists are tech-savvy or interested in social media.

“We have absolutely used social media to bring in new patients to our practice,” declared a Missouri dental office worker.

“I’ve decided to start asking patients for feedback and testimonials, and we’ve started to publish these testimonials,” said a California orthodontist.

Jim and Julie discuss what sort of social networking dentists do online.


Nine out of 10 dentists responding to this survey use Facebook for online networking, both personally and professionally.

One in three is on LinkedIn, one in four is on Twitter, one in five is on YouTube. Only one in eight is on Google Plus.

Only 13% of dentists in this survey have a professional blog.

There are a lot of ways dentists can use the internet to connect with potential new patients.

“We have 128 likes on our Facebook page. It provides easy interaction with patients who are active users,” offered a Minnesota dentist.

“We are at the beginning stages of our Facebook marketing,” said a West Virginia dentist. “We are using it as an informational, personable and promotional platform. We are giving our patients useful information, keeping them updated on what is new in our office, and giving away prizes for liking our page. We also give patients $5 off their services when they check in.”

“I really do not have the time or inclination to follow through with these media,” said a Massachusetts dentist.

We have a business Facebook page which does well for us,” said an Ohio prosthodontist. “I update it regularly and have a couple staff members who like to write updates on the wall, too.”

If Facebook is something you’re doing anyway, it only takes a little extra effort to use that platform to promote your practice.

Internet dental marketing doesn’t just include dental websites. You need to consider find-a-dentist directories, business listings, and social media.

The post How Do Dentists Use Social Networking? (Video) appeared first on The Wealthy Dentist.

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