Wednesday, December 6, 2017

DeCare’s Wellness that Works seminar, empowering workplace wellbeing.

On Friday 10th November DeCare held it’s first in a series of Wellness Breakfast Seminars at the Marker Hotel, Dublin. With an early start, The Marker Suite quickly filled up with a broad spectrum of Wellness champions including, HR Managers, Wellness advisors, and Employee benefit managers.

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Maureen Walsh, DeCare’s CEO,

Maureen Walsh, DeCare’s CEO, introduced the morning’s proceedings, providing information on oral health and the impact that it has on society in the context of wellness and cost. She used a short video to demonstrate how positivity and happiness can be spread with something as simple as a smile.

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Alan Quinlan, Rugby Legend, TV analyst, and mental health advocate 

Alan Quinlan, Rugby Legend, TV analyst, and mental health advocate hosted this innovative event. Alan reflected on his own experience of coping with stress and depression while transitioning from life as a high profile athlete to a different life and career in the media.  He said the key to overcoming daily stressors was to develop self-awareness and resilience and enlisting the help of others as early as possible.

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David Casey, DeCare’s Wellness and Health Promotion Manager,

David Casey, DeCare’s Wellness and Health Promotion Manager, outlined the World Health Organisation’s (WHO) definition of health and with audience participation demonstrated how it means different things to different people. The benefits of having a healthy workforce and the workplace as an optimum location to promote health and wellbeing were explored in depth. He also explained using very vivid examples of how workplaces could benefit greatly by focusing more on the determinants of health rather than downstream poor health outcomes when considering Wellness initiatives. David listed some examples of low-cost health initiatives that companies can use within their organisations and left us with a memorable and apt quote from Dr. Maria Neira, (WHO) “The Wealth of business depends on the health of workers”.

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Brian Cash, owner of Dublin Fit Club and former professional footballer

Brian Cash, owner of Dublin Fit Club and former professional footballer surprised everyone by getting them up off their chairs and moving with some office-friendly exercises accompanied by very practical easy to follow advice.

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Janis Morrissey, The Irish Heart Foundation

Janis Morrissey from The Irish Heart Foundation reminded us of the number one killer in Ireland, Cardiovascular Disease.  Janis highlighted the Healthy Eating and Active at Work awards, two worthwhile and greatly appreciated awards for companies to get involved in, that have a real positive impact on the workplace environment.

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Michelle Staunton, CIPD

Michelle Staunton of CIPD discussed her original research into the central role the line manager plays in transmitting corporate culture including workplace wellness. One of the intriguing observations of Michelle’s research and why workplace wellbeing is so important is that employees leave managers not companies.

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Dermot Goode, Total Health Cover

Dermot Goode, a leading expert on healthcare benefits, took us on a journey of the emerging trends in employee wellness and how wellness is not a quick fix and takes commitment over time to achieve best results.

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Cathy O Connor, stylist for TV3 and RTE

Cathy O Connor, stylist for TV3 and RTE finished the morning with an interactive session. “Dress for the job you want not the job you have”, was Cathy’s top tip. Using two models Cathy showcased practical and fashionable wardrobe staples from designs by Helen McAlinden.

DeCare received several positive testimonials following this inaugural event and these are some examples:

 “Many thanks for organising such an inspiring event. It’s great to hear such a variety of speakers and some of the workplace wellness work that is being done in Ireland”.

“This was a very well organised seminar which provided lots of information.”

“Brian Cash’s desk exercises were brilliant and a great ice-breaker.”

“Very well organized with relevant speakers.”

“I attend conferences regularly on wellness and felt this actually delivered key info.”

For information on wellness programs offered by DeCare visit or to find out how you can save money on your dental bills while protecting your oral health visit

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