Wednesday, December 13, 2017

A Big Year for Charlotte Pediatric Dentistry in Gastonia

The entire Charlotte Pediatric Dentistry team is passionate about the health of little ones in our community. Our love for serving our community shines through in our patient interactions and in our proud participation of community events.

Our Gastonia office has grown so much this year – including the addition of Dr. Cami! We’ve celebrated doctor awards, community events, meeting new families, and much more. Our tremendous growth is made possible entirely by the trust and support of Gastonia families.

Dr. Wilson

Dr. Leigh Wilson was featured in a Gaston Chamber member email, highlighting her successes prior to joining CPD along with her passion for helping her community. Dr. Leigh joined our team in the fall of 2016, and she’s been taking great care of our patients in Gastonia and Waverly ever since. She’s one of our biggest advocates in the community!

Charlotte Pediatric Dentistry team

Girls on the run

Girls on the Run is an organization that we proudly represent, and often. The program helps girls in 3rd-8th grade develop essential skills to help them navigate their worlds and establish a lifetime appreciation for health and fitness. Our Gastonia gals were fortunate to participate in two different GOTR Gaston County events this year!

Dr. Moore holding a golf trophy

Gastonia office costume party

Sponsoring the Gastonia Grizzlies is one of the most fun teams we’ve had the pleasure of supporting. They are talented athletes and entertainers that play to their audience. If you’ve ever been to one of their games, you know why they are one of the most entertaining acts in baseball, as named by their fans. If you haven’t been to a game, treat yourself and your family to a game in 2018.

Dr. Miskovitch

The Gastonia branch was growing so quickly that Dr. Moore decided it was time to bring in another trusted pediatric dentist! Florida native Dr. Camilla Miskovich joined the team in July this year. She has always had a passion for helping children. While Dr. Cami was in dental school, she provided dental care for children in orphanages in Honduras and Jamaica. She has already built a great relationship with the patients and parents she serves here in Gastonia.

A large part of our growth is directly attributed to the thoughtful and kind words from parents. We greatly appreciate when a parent recognizes (and shares) when they feel we have gone above and beyond to help their child. Our goal is to consistently provide experiences like the ones below.

Customer testimonialParent review

We’ve had an exceptional 2017 and we’re looking forward to serving the community in the new year! Come meet the Gastonia team and see how they can help your little one’s smile by requesting an appointment today.

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