Thursday, November 16, 2017

Holiday Dental Hygiene Tips for Kids

burg-holiday-dental-hygiene-12-8-16There’s a lot to love about December. The leaves have fallen and the cold has set it (seemingly for good ;). Promptly, you stock up on hot chocolate and prepare to bake anything and everything- it’s just that time of year. While we love cookies and candies, we aren’t about to ignore how these sweet treats and drinks can affect your kid’s oral health. Here are a few tips.

Brush and Floss Regularly

Don’t go crazy here. We’re not asking you to tell your kids to brush their teeth after every meal. Just be more vigilant in making sure they brush well (at least 2 times a day), and possibly more if meals include extra sugar, hot chocolate, or sweet treats. We know you won’t always be able to keep your kids from the extra cookie, but your can encourage extra oral hygiene.

Make Healthier Snacks

You won’t have to limit snacks and baked good as much with simple modifications. For example, substituting most baked good with whole wheat is a simple process that doesn’t change flavor as much as you would think, especially in chocolate baked goods. In addition, consider the following:

  • Look for ways to include fruit in your snacks and treats.
  • Flavor your own popcorn. Cut back on the butter and use canola oil as a substitute.
  • Find more healthy holiday recipes.
Drink Lots of Water

Water is essential to your overall health, but also provides important protections to your teeth. Especially after eating lots of sugar or consuming soda, make sure your kids (and you, for that matter) drink a glass of water.

Set a Routine

Just like you would normally do during any day, week, or month, it’s important to set a good routine during the holidays. With kids out of school, bedtime can be pushed back and disrupt the normal routine of life. Make sure you make a plan for holiday break and stick to it. If you’re going away for the holidays, don’t forget to pack tooth brushes, floss, and mouth wash.

Don’t Forget the Dentist

We’re still around during the holidays. Don’t forget your appointment with the dentist and make sure to reschedule to work around your travel plans. If you have any questions, or want to schedule an appointment, click here.

*Also, we’re giving away a free cape to new patients at our new office in West Jordan. Click here for a coupon.

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