Thursday, November 23, 2017

Can Tooth Decay Be Prevented Naturally?

Prevent tooth decay with diet - holistic dentist Brisbane
Can Tooth Decay Be Prevented?

One of the greatest fears for most people is a trip to the dentist, especially if they know there is work to be done. The grinding, smells, and needles are not exactly a situation that drums up warm and cozy feelings.

If your teeth have deteriorated or been damaged to a point that they need to be restored or removed because it is an emergency and you are not able to salvage them, then the work of a dentist is required.

The fact that many dentist still believe that any type of the mercury in the mouth is safe, that fluoride is fantastic, and that cavities can’t be prevented naturally, shows their lack of knowledge of toxins and the healing power of the body.

If you believe that you can be mostly responsible for the restoration and maintenance of your oral health naturally, then get ready to dig into an unconventional approach to dental health.

What causes tooth decay?

Tooth decay, boils down to three factors:

  • Not enough minerals in the diet.
  • Not enough fat-soluble vitamins (A, D, E, and K) in the diet.
  • Nutrients not being readily bioavailable, and your intestinal system not properly absorbing them. The presence of phytic acid largely influences this factor.

Over a period of time, if your diet lacks vitamins and minerals from a poor diet and/or contains high levels of phytates (from grains, seeds, nuts, and legumes), the blood chemistry and the ratio of calcium and phosphorous become out of balance, which results in minerals being pulled from bones, causing tooth and bone loss.

Once digestion becomes moderately hampered, the ability to absorb nutrients becomes even more problematic, which continues to promote the problem. Add in daily habits like soft drink, soda and coffee consumption, and the mineral depletion continues as the body attempts to buffer the acidity by pulling minerals from various areas of the body (like bones and teeth).

Then there’s the whole issue with different types of unfriendly bacteria and microbes making their way into the oral cavity through poor food choices.

All these things and more usually land someone back in a dentist’s chair for some restorative work. However, if you know some important details on taking care of your oral health, those trips can be minimised and your dental care will be preventive and maintenance only.

A natural approach to dental health

First of all, when taking a holistic approach to oral health, you need to consider more than simply brushing and flossing. Although both of those habits have merit, focusing on only these two things is a blinkered approach that will not give you the best oral health possible. This is even more true when using traditional toothpastes loaded with toxic ingredients like fluoride, sodium lauryl sulfate, triclosan, diethanolamine, and sorbitol.

Most importantly, what you put in your mouth is going to help determine the health of your teeth and gums. Too much sugar and processed foods will only make the problem worse, while vitamin and mineral rich foods and supplements that are easily digestible will help build a glassy hard tooth structure. These types of foods and various herbs will also provide a strong antibacterial component, which is helpful in keeping those harmful microbes in your mouth at bay.

When focusing on tooth health, make sure to eat plenty of foods rich in vitamins A, D, E, and K. These foods would include beef liver, carrots, sweet potato, kale, spinach, broccoli, coconut oil, eggs, salmon, tuna, mushrooms, almonds, avocado, sunflower seeds, Brussel sprouts, cabbage, cucumbers, and basil.

For supplementation, consider cod liver oil, mineral formulas, and magnesium (required for the body to use calcium and phosphorus correctly).

When it comes to brushing, using a toothpaste with antimicrobial properties and using oil pulling is of tremendous benefit to your gums and oral health.. Combining that with a daily flossing routine will get you a gold star.

Last but not least, consider seeing a holistic dentist that can remove any mercury fillings you may have, as well as any faulty root canals. Either of these can facilitate chronic health issues, and together, they can make you very ill. You’ll be pleasantly surprised at how good you feel after those procedures are done.

In doing all this you will help clean up your oral cavity, freshen your breath, and mitigate future health concerns. Your smile might be just a bit brighter as well.

Want to know more about how you can supprt yourself to have healthy teeth and gums call us now 07 3720 1811

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