Tuesday, November 28, 2017

5 Dental Hygiene Tips From Our Team

Bringing your child to see the dentist twice a year is not the only component to great oral health care (though we applaud you for that major step!). Continuing to practice dental health habits at home is the majority of the equation, so we have tips to help your child keep their pearly whites looking bright.

Brush at least two times a day

Brush at least twice a day

You probably hear this one a lot. We stress the importance of 2min2x a day because of the rate that plaque accumulates in your mouth. Plaque calcifies in your mouth overnight, which can lead to buildup that causes gum infections over time. Always brush right before bed to ensure that sugars and bacteria do not sit on your teeth overnight to keep your smile healthy. Brushing in the morning will remove the remaining plaque that grows naturally while you sleep.

Brush all the way to the gum line

Brush all the way to the gumline

Plaque and bacteria accumulate on the surface of the tooth and near the gum line. Brushing all the way to the gum line will help remove plaque to prevent gingivitis.

Give your tooth a hug with floss!

Give your tooth a hug with floss

Floss daily in a “C” shape to remove food and bacterial plaque from between the teeth. Think of it like you are giving the tooth a hug with the floss. Also be sure to use a clean portion of floss with each tooth so that you don’t spread particles from one tooth to another.

Brushing & flossing the reluctant child

Brushing & flossing the reluctant child

We know that toddler toothbrush time isn’t always the easiest task. Laying a smaller child down to brush and floss allows for easy accessibility to the hard to reach places, especially for the less enthusiastic child. Check out this first-hand video for tips and technique.

Make brushing fun!

Make brushing fun

Making tooth brushing time fun is what we do! Make brushing and flossing time fun by playing a song that children will enjoy! Make sure the song is at least two minutes long to ensure proper brushing time.

Do you have any tips you would like to share or have any questions? Live chat with us right here on our website to share!


Thursday, November 23, 2017

Can Tooth Decay Be Prevented Naturally?

Prevent tooth decay with diet - holistic dentist Brisbane
Can Tooth Decay Be Prevented?

One of the greatest fears for most people is a trip to the dentist, especially if they know there is work to be done. The grinding, smells, and needles are not exactly a situation that drums up warm and cozy feelings.

If your teeth have deteriorated or been damaged to a point that they need to be restored or removed because it is an emergency and you are not able to salvage them, then the work of a dentist is required.

The fact that many dentist still believe that any type of the mercury in the mouth is safe, that fluoride is fantastic, and that cavities can’t be prevented naturally, shows their lack of knowledge of toxins and the healing power of the body.

If you believe that you can be mostly responsible for the restoration and maintenance of your oral health naturally, then get ready to dig into an unconventional approach to dental health.

What causes tooth decay?

Tooth decay, boils down to three factors:

  • Not enough minerals in the diet.
  • Not enough fat-soluble vitamins (A, D, E, and K) in the diet.
  • Nutrients not being readily bioavailable, and your intestinal system not properly absorbing them. The presence of phytic acid largely influences this factor.

Over a period of time, if your diet lacks vitamins and minerals from a poor diet and/or contains high levels of phytates (from grains, seeds, nuts, and legumes), the blood chemistry and the ratio of calcium and phosphorous become out of balance, which results in minerals being pulled from bones, causing tooth and bone loss.

Once digestion becomes moderately hampered, the ability to absorb nutrients becomes even more problematic, which continues to promote the problem. Add in daily habits like soft drink, soda and coffee consumption, and the mineral depletion continues as the body attempts to buffer the acidity by pulling minerals from various areas of the body (like bones and teeth).

Then there’s the whole issue with different types of unfriendly bacteria and microbes making their way into the oral cavity through poor food choices.

All these things and more usually land someone back in a dentist’s chair for some restorative work. However, if you know some important details on taking care of your oral health, those trips can be minimised and your dental care will be preventive and maintenance only.

A natural approach to dental health

First of all, when taking a holistic approach to oral health, you need to consider more than simply brushing and flossing. Although both of those habits have merit, focusing on only these two things is a blinkered approach that will not give you the best oral health possible. This is even more true when using traditional toothpastes loaded with toxic ingredients like fluoride, sodium lauryl sulfate, triclosan, diethanolamine, and sorbitol.

Most importantly, what you put in your mouth is going to help determine the health of your teeth and gums. Too much sugar and processed foods will only make the problem worse, while vitamin and mineral rich foods and supplements that are easily digestible will help build a glassy hard tooth structure. These types of foods and various herbs will also provide a strong antibacterial component, which is helpful in keeping those harmful microbes in your mouth at bay.

When focusing on tooth health, make sure to eat plenty of foods rich in vitamins A, D, E, and K. These foods would include beef liver, carrots, sweet potato, kale, spinach, broccoli, coconut oil, eggs, salmon, tuna, mushrooms, almonds, avocado, sunflower seeds, Brussel sprouts, cabbage, cucumbers, and basil.

For supplementation, consider cod liver oil, mineral formulas, and magnesium (required for the body to use calcium and phosphorus correctly).

When it comes to brushing, using a toothpaste with antimicrobial properties and using oil pulling is of tremendous benefit to your gums and oral health.. Combining that with a daily flossing routine will get you a gold star.

Last but not least, consider seeing a holistic dentist that can remove any mercury fillings you may have, as well as any faulty root canals. Either of these can facilitate chronic health issues, and together, they can make you very ill. You’ll be pleasantly surprised at how good you feel after those procedures are done.

In doing all this you will help clean up your oral cavity, freshen your breath, and mitigate future health concerns. Your smile might be just a bit brighter as well.

Want to know more about how you can supprt yourself to have healthy teeth and gums call us now 07 3720 1811 


Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Hygienist Martina Crisma, Up Close & Personal

Martina is the latest addition to our team of dental hygienists. Get to know more about her today.


Can Mouthwash Replace Toothbrushing?

Is mouthwash enough to clean the teeth? Find out from our hygienist Felicia today.


Sunday, November 19, 2017

What Can You Do About Sensitive Teeth?

If you experience sharp pain in your teeth when you eat hot or cold food or drinks, you may have sensitive teeth.


Thursday, November 16, 2017

Halloween Candy Criminals Thwarted Again

Latest release from Dental Times about the recent battle between our heroes and the local gang The Cavity Crew!

Halloween Candy Criminals Thwarted

Sergeant Sealant and The Bristler Pair Up to Defeat Candy Menace

Every year around Halloween, the city of Dental Heights is threatened by the attack of notable crime gang Cavity Crew, and their onslaught of sugar. Molar Man and his Hall of Heroes typically chase them off, and they haven’t been seen since last year. However, this year Cavity Crew’s leader, who calls himself Sweet Tooth, was caught lurking near the abandoned floss warehouse Saturday night, and was chased off by local police. Three days later, graffiti spelling out “Hershey’s Rulezzz” was found on the side of Teeth Hall. Having just recovered from their recent attack from The Infector, Teeth Hall employees left work early and called in sick after learning about the tagline. One employee stated “I can’t deal with this again, the Cavity Crew needs to stay out of town!” We also spoke with Old Man Wisdom, who stated he was only visiting, who begged the question “Where is the Hall of Heroes?”

Dental Heights is lucky to have the protection of Molar Man, but when Cavity Crew showed up Monday morning in the middle of Tongue Square, he was nowhere around. Citizens wondered where he could be, but were quickly relieved when Sergeant Sealant and The Bristler appeared, with their sugar shield and paste punch in tow. The Cavity Crew had already blocked off the square using sugar barriers, while their crew members quickly began attempting to drill their cavity infection holes into innocent teeth civilians. Sergeant Sealant and The Bristler were prepared for this. Working together, they managed to rescue most of the citizens by distracting Cavity Crew members with a refreshing wave of mint toothpaste, and dismantled the sticky sweet barriers with Sergeant’s sugar shield. Somehow in the chaos of action, Sweet Tooth went missing. While The Bristler helped calm the affected citizens using his signature bionic brushing, Sergeant Sealant went after Sweet Tooth. We spoke with Sergeant when he returned with Sweet Tooth in custody, and he explained that the whole event was a distraction so Sweet Tooth could plant his cavity-making sugar spores in places like Teeth Hall and Molar Manor. We are grateful that Sergeant and The Bristler were there, and we hope we don’t see the Cavity Crew for a long time!


How Children Celebrate Halloween Around the World

Halloween is coming up and we are so excited! We’ve already posted about how to care for your teeth during the onslaught of sugar, alternatives to candy, and had some pretty cool Halloween ideas, but what about the holiday itself? Do other countries celebrate Halloween the same way we do? Do they even know what Halloween is? Do they visit their dentists after eating way too much candy!? Don’t worry, we have the answers.

Halloween Around the World

Do you know what Halloween means and the history behind it? The tradition of Halloween actually originates from the Celtic tradition called Samhain. We wanted to learn more about Halloween and we wondered how children celebrated Halloween in other countries . We did some research and discovered the origin of this American holiday.

People believed that on Samhain their deceased loved ones could roam the earth for one night, and they celebrated by feasting and dancing! However, as much of the world became more Christianized the name changed. It used to be called All Hallow’s Eve, but has been shortened to Halloween.

Many other countries around the world observe holidays that celebrate departed loved ones. Although they aren’t the same as Halloween, they are similar to our version of Halloween and share common ideas. Ideas like Jack O Lanterns and celebrating the dead. So which countries are they?


Canada celebrates Halloween in much the same way that we do, even trick-or-treating and dressing up! Canadians use Halloween to celebrate the supposed day when dead ancestors can cross into the land of the living, which is the same as us! In fact, Canadians are so big into celebrating Halloween that they spend even more money than Americans on candy and decorations!


It’s time for Dia De Los Muertos! This means Day of the Dead, and is a Mexican holiday celebrated around the same day as Halloween. Mexicans celebrate and remember their dead loved ones. Though they do not believe that dead ones return for this holiday, they spend the time praying and remembering their ancestors. They hold festivals and parades full of food and color! They also have a tradition of painting their faces in brightly-colored recreations of skulls, like this little girl. We think this looks like a lot of fun!

Scotland, Ireland, and Wales

These countries in the United Kingdom come from Celtic ancestry, and as such have kept the traditions of the original Samhain and celebrate around October 31st by gathering families together and having parties and feasts! The people who celebrate Samhain take the honoring of their dead very seriously, even religiously! Many people hold rites and rituals, as well as visit the gravestones of loved ones on this special night. If you think graveyards are scary, don’t worry, it’s just to put flowers on headstones and pray and remember!


In Japan they take the time to celebrate and honor their ancestors through the Obon Festival. The Obon Festival is similar to our version of Halloween and the Celtic version of Samhain in that it celebrates the deceased through dancing and festivals. The difference is that it’s celebrated in summer! This Japanese holiday has been going on for 500 years and looks like this:


Cambodia, a country near Thailand, celebrates Pchum Ben, a holiday to honor their deceased loved ones. It is celebrated by feasts, dancing, festivals, and visiting the graves of their ancestors. Cambodians celebrate this holiday for 15 days! We wish Halloween was that long…


Have you ever heard of Chinese New Year? This is the country-wide holiday where Chinese celebrate the passing of another year, similar to our New Year’s Eve/Day. The difference is that they also take this time to remember and honor any loved ones who have passed on. They celebrate through the traditional ways of festivals, parades, and lots of delicious food, and they decorate with red lanterns like these!

Wow, Halloween sure is different around the world! But we are not alone in our celebration of deceased ancestors and loved ones. How do you celebrate Halloween with your family? Do you carve pumpkins and dress up? Do you eat lots of candy after trick-or-treating? Or does your celebration consist of something closer to Samhain or Pchum Ben? Let us know! And for all the parents out there concerned with the American tradition of sugar overload, you can always set up an appointment with Burg Children’s Dentistry here. Happy Halloween, Dia De Los Muertos, Chinese New Year, or whatever you celebrate, and we hope to see you soon!


Breaking News from Dental Times!!!

Latest release from Dental Times about the recent battle between our hero Molar Man and the evil Infector!

Dental Times Newspaper Molarman VS. The Infector

Molarman Vs Infector Comic Panel

Molarman and the Infector
Face Off in Epic Battle

In a thrilling spectacle yesterday afternoon, the incredible Molar Man and local evildoer The Infector, battled it out at Tooth Hall to amazed and terrified spectators. Tooth Hall workers were not expecting to become pawns in Infector’s game of domination, but were held hostage as Molar Man tried again and again to rescue them from The Infector’s diseased grasp. Sources say The Infector’s goal was to wrest control of both Tooth Hall and our town of Dental Heights from Mayor Mouthwash and inflict his swarm of bacteria bugs on the innocent townspeople.

Footage of the event shows The Infector behind a gathering of Tooth Hall workers sending wave after wave of infection and bacteria at both Molar Man and any unlucky onlooker who happened to be too close. Molar Man deflected numerous rushes of germs by gathering them together, and using his super strength, tossed them out of city limits. Enraged, The Infector then took on Molar Man head to head. The hostages managed to escape while The Infector threw repeated swelling punches at Molar Man. The battle ended quickly when Molar Man was finally able to use his super brush to disable Infector.

Authorities took the vengeful villain to jail where citizens hope he will stay. This isn’t the first time the scoundrel has undertaken the invasion of Dental Heights, using his icky infection and swelling in past attempts, but Molar Man and his Hall of Heroes have always been there to stop him.


Your Child’s 1st Dentist Visit: How to Prepare

Are you hoping to schedule your child’s first visit to the dentist? We understand the worry of preparing your child for what they will face on that first visit. That’s why we’ve dedicated our efforts to making their trip a pleasant one! To help you ease the many different kinds of pain that accompany that first trip, we’ve compiled some tips.

To-Do Before You Go

By taking these few tips into account before you bring your little one in for the first time, you can make sure you’re ready to go when the big day finally comes!

  • Bring them to one of your appointments. This allows them to grow accustomed to seeing and hearing the machinery, as well as see you there getting your work done! This proves to them that it’s easy!
  • Make sure they have been brushing their teeth each day. You should start brushing their teeth as soon as they have any. This will lessen the pain of teeth cleaning, and they’ll hopefully be used to having tools in their mouth.
  • Tell them what will happen. Make sure you prepare your child for what they will face at the dentist by explaining that a dentist will be looking into their mouth for cavities or other problems. Explain to them that it won’t hurt and maybe offer to do something fun with them afterward!
  • Make sure you’re taking them in at the correct age. Most children don’t need to see the dentist for the first time until they are about 3 years old. Make sure to check their teeth every so often to see if you should come in earlier!
When To Schedule

You might not have realized this, but did you know that dentist’s have busy times? That’s right, even Burg has times of the year where we are busier than other times, which means it can be harder to schedule an appointment.

We explored Google Trends to see when people are looking for a children’s dentist the most during the year. A quick look at the last 5 years has indicated that people are searching “children’s dentist” the most toward the end of July and the beginning of August.

After looking at Utah’s school start dates and comparing it to Utah’s “children’s dentist” trends as well, we figured out that most people are scheduling their children’s dentist appointments at the end of July and beginning of August likely because they are trying to get this pesky appointment in before the school year starts.

We know that scheduling and completing that very first dentist appointment can be stressful in more than one way. Your child is nervous, you’re trying to find time to fit it in with back-to-school preparations, and the stress can become overwhelming. Which is why we suggest scheduling during these months instead:

  • July instead of August – by scheduling in July you are beating that back-to-school rush, which means you can schedule your child’s first dentist appointment whenever works best for you!
  • October instead of November – you might be thinking that scheduling pre-candy is a bad idea, but we are here to tell you that this is actually better for your child! This way the dentist can teach them how to take care of their teeth amidst that onslaught of sugar, and you won’t have to deal with the post-Halloween dentist rush.
  • February instead of January – a lot of people schedule their dentist appointments for the beginning of the year, probably with the thinking of a “fresh start” for the year. As you can see, that’s one of our busiest times, so we recommend scheduling in February instead. By scheduling in February this appointment can also serve as a reminder to stay on track for those new year’s resolutions!

We hope that by scheduling your child’s dentist appointment during one of the less busy times of year it will take some of your stress away, as well as ensure that your child has proper time to prepare mentally and physically for this exciting trip!

Enjoy the rest of your summer, and we hope to see you soon!


Can You Floss Too Much?

Yes, it is possible to floss too much. While flossing is an important part of maintaining the health of your teeth, flossing too much actually damages your teeth and gums. The signs that you’re flossing too much are:

  • Red, irritated gums
  • Bleeding gums
  • Lower gum line
  • Cavities near the bottom of the teeth

Flossing too much can greatly harm your gums and teeth. The more you floss, the more likely your gums will become red and irritated. Your gum line can also be damaged by too much flossing, which exposes more of your teeth to bacteria, so you are more likely to develop cavities near your gum line.

How Much Should You Floss?

To keep your teeth and gums healthy, you only need to floss once a day. If there’s something caught between your teeth, definitely use floss to remove it as soon as possible. However, you don’t need to floss between every tooth more than once a day.

How Should You Floss?

How you floss is just as important as how much you floss. Flossing too much becomes a bigger problem if you’re flossing wrong. Here are some common flossing mistakes you should watch out for:

  • Flossing too hard. Flossing too hard means you’re making sawing motions are forcing the floss farther than necessary to clean your teeth. Flossing too hard makes it more likely for your gums to become irritated and cause gum disease.
  • Not flossing both sides of each tooth. When flossing, you should move the floss along each side of each tooth. If you don’t scrape the plaque from each side of your teeth when flossing, you’re more likely to develop cavities between your teeth.
  • Not using a new section of floss for each tooth. Make sure to use a fresh section of floss for every tooth. The whole point of flossing is to remove the plaque from between your teeth, and if you don’t move to a new section of floss, you are reinserting the plaque you just removed from your teeth.

Regularly flossing is crucial to keeping your teeth and gums healthy. Not flossing at all can lead to gum disease, cavities, and other nasty teeth issues. However, flossing too much can also lead to gum disease, cavities, and nasty teeth issues. Burg is also here to help your children have a healthy smile!


Protecting Your Child’s Teeth During Sports

Three children pictured from above, smiling and holding a soccer ball. Caption reads Protecting Your Child's Teeth During Sports. Burg Children's Dentistry.

Playing sports is one of the best ways for your kids to get the exercise and socializing that they need. The only concern is how to handle it when they get hurt? Protecting your children’s teeth while they play sports, not just heavy-contact sports, is incredibly important. The general cost of fixing a missing tooth can be twenty times more expensive than using other, easier methods. If something does happen, don’t hesitate to remedy the situation. You can schedule an emergency appointment by calling your nearest office. Visit our locations page to find an office near you!

So, what can you do to prevent unnecessary headaches…or toothaches?

#1: Practice Makes Perfect

We know you’ve heard this before. But what better way to prevent injury than to help get your child playing to their best ability? As your child improves, they will be less likely to receive a football or a hockey puck to the face. Also teach your kids to avoid unnecessary roughness. Often children will listen if you stress the importance of not hurting others, and by proxy, themselves. Of course, these efforts do not account for accidents and other injuries on the court or field. These can be further helped by…

#2: Helmets

You wouldn’t send your child out onto the football field without a helmet, right? Helmets protect more than just a child’s head, though; especially ones with face guards. These can prevent your child from breaking or losing a tooth entirely. Even helmets without the additional front face guard help kids by decreasing the impact they take to their heads, which can cause them to bite down hard enough to break or chip teeth. For those children participating in non-contact sports such as swimming or soccer, consider still having them wear a helmet. If that is not an option, the best method to preventing losing a tooth is…

#3: Mouth Guards

Mouth guards are the best method for preventing your child from losing or chipping a tooth. Mouth guards are sold at most sports stores, and usually come in one-size-fits-all. These are generally cheaper, but might not fit your child’s mouth properly. We recommend getting a custom-made mouth guard. These will better protect your child, and are still far cheaper than the alternative: coming in for a replacement tooth.

You might be thinking that your child won’t like to wear a mouth guard. There are a few ways to make this more appealing to them.

  • Consider also wearing a mouth guard while playing with your child. Show some support!
  • Explain to a child that even superheroes wear protective gear to keep them safe while fighting crime!
  • Have your child practice wearing the guard while doing things besides sports to help them become accustomed to it.

Taking measures to keep your child safe while participating in sports will both make you feel more comfortable, and save you money! Visit First Lab Direct to learn more about protecting your child and the effects of sports on teeth.


The Importance of Focusing on Flossing With Kids

mother and daughter smiling burg children's dentistry

Flossing. It’s the bane of all the oral health chores we do day-in and day-out. While it’s often overlooked, we are reminded each and every time we go to the dentist as our dentist asks us, “do you floss regularly?” Maybe you’re great at it and can give an answer with confidence. Or maybe you’re like many of us who feel we can do better. It can be hard to remember, but it only takes an extra two minutes out of the day to complete.

I think you can see the value in your own flossing. Now it’s time to turn our attention to helping our kids floss. You can make it fun, and help them establish a foundation for oral health by forming this very necessary habit.

The Importance of Flossing

Flossing is essential to maintaining healthy gums and teeth. Flossing is perhaps even more important than brushing because it removes bacteria that are the precursors of plaque, which if left to fester will turn into tartar that cannot be removed by regular brushing or flossing. Tartar is what eventually causes the damage that leads to decay of the tooth.

Make Flossing Fun

We all know it- flossing isn’t the funnest thing in the world, and it feels weird! But we can make it so kids want to floss. Let’s make it fun! Here are a few ideas:

Brush Like a Superhero!

Turns out, when superheroes aren’t out fighting crime and saving lives, they’re at home brushing and flossing. True story! And we have a way for your kids to imitate brushing like a hero. Follow the instructions at the link for awesome superhero cutouts that you can tape to the bathroom mirror. Your kids will have so much fun brushing and flossing!

The Peanut Butter Rubber Gloves Game!

This is an idea from Kool Smiles! It’s an awesome way to teach your kids the value of flossing while showing them an example of how flossing works with peanut butter and rubber gloves.

What you will need:

  • a rubber glove
  • peanut butter
  • a toothbrush
  • floss
  • a friend (you can be that friend!)

This activity is pretty simple.

First, put a rubber glove on (you).

Second, have your child cover the glove in peanut butter, including in between fingers. Make sure to keep your fingers tightly closed together after.

Third, have your child take the toothbrush and brush the peanut putter off the glove. Continue to keep your fingers tight. Your child will notice that it’s hard to get in between the fingers.

Fourth, suggest that they try using the floss run between the fingers to get the extra peanut butter. As they slide the floss down each finger, just like they would when flossing.

As the peanut butter is removed, share with your child that this is just like flossing, and that flossing removes the “peanut butter” between our teeth and keeps our gums and teeth healthy!

We hope you use these activities to help your kids learn why flossing is important! Take the time to teach your kids the value of flossing so they can build this habit for the future.

Click here to schedule an appointment with Burg Children’s Dentistry.


What Age Should My Child Be Seen for Braces?

The best time for your child to get dental braces depends on the severity and the cause of the misalignment of your child’s teeth. Your Orthodontist will be the one to perform an evaluation and determine whether braces are necessary or not. An orthodontist is a dentist with additional training, who specializes in aligning and straightening teeth.

Most orthodontists would recommend that a child has an evaluation by the time they’re 7 years old. Traditionally braces are used for treatment after a child has lost most of their primary teeth (the baby teeth) and a majority of their permanent teeth have grown in. This typically happens between the ages of 8 to 14.

Two-Phase Approach

Some orthodontists would prefer to take an interceptive approach, which involves the use of dental appliances, not always braces, at an earlier age, while a child still has most of their baby teeth. Once a child has most of their adult teeth, the second phase of treatment is started which usually calls for braces. The second phase of braces can be shorter than the traditional course if an early treatment has been performed.

Depending on the orthodontist you go to and the nature of your child’s teeth will depend on whether you take the traditional or two-phase approach. Orthodontists who favor the traditional approach say that a two-phase approach to treatment can actually increase the total time and potentially the expense of orthodontic treatment with generally similar results. However, other orthodontists believe guidance of growth using dental appliances before the second phase of treatment makes correction easier.

Case by Case

The best choice for you and your child will largely depend on the severity of your child’s dental problems. Talk with your child’s dentist or orthodontist about the best course of action. If you haven’t chosen a dentist or orthodontist yet, Burg Children’s Dentistry is there for you!

Feel free to contact us to schedule a free braces consultation, for more information, or questions about your children’s teeth! With 11 locations throughout Utah, Burg Children’s Dentistry is convenient and trusted in multiple communities.


Quick! How do I Relieve My Child’s Toothache?

No one enjoys a toothache, much less a child. If you’ve ever found yourself face-to-face with your child gripping their mouth and wincing in pain, you know it’s not fun. Most minor toothache’s can be relieved with simple home remedies, while more severe pain will likely require a trip to your pediatric dentist. First, the reason you came here in the first place: how to relieve your child’s toothache pain.

Over-The-Counter Pain Relief

You’re safe going straight to your children’s Tylenol or Ibuprofen. Nothing will relieve pain quicker and more efficiently. Make sure to check labels and instructions for correct dosage and ingestion. If your child has a problem swallowing pills (and your medicine can be crushed), use a dough roller to crush tablets into powder and mix it in with water. Do not give Ibuprofen to a child allergic to aspirin.

Never give Ibuprofen to an infant less than six months old and consult your doctor/dentist for all medications. On your next visit to your pediatric dentist (and pediatrician), talk with them about safe pain medications and dosage for all ages.

Best Pain Relief Medication for Children

  • Tylenol
  • Ibuprofen: Advil or Motrin (over six months)
Apply Heat/Cold to the Aching Area

Your best solution to relieving your child’s toothache is with some pain medication. If it doesn’t work quickly, applying a cold compress to the area will help. Take a storage bag fill it with ice, place a thin layer of material, such as a kitchen or paper towel, and apply it to cheek area outside the tooth. If cold does not relieve the pain, try switching to a warm compress.

Do not put a warm or cold compress directly on the tooth. This will only elevate the pain.

Use a Sea Salt Rinse

A toothache caused by a blow to the jaw or mild infection is likely to go away all on its own. A sea salt rinse will move that process along at a quicker pace. Make a rinse with warm water and spoonful of salt. Wait for the salt to dissolve before having your child put the solution in their mouth. Have them gargle–making sure it thoroughly splashes the affected area–and spit it out. Have them do this several times a day until the pain subsides.

Is the Pain not Going Away?

If the pain persists after trying any of the above, it’s time to call your child’s dentist. You could be looking at a cavity, a dislodged tooth, or another issue. It’s best to seek advice right away and schedule an appointment if necessary. Burg Children’s Dentistry has 11 locations throughout Utah. If it’s an emergency, contact us right away.


Holiday Dental Hygiene Tips for Kids

burg-holiday-dental-hygiene-12-8-16There’s a lot to love about December. The leaves have fallen and the cold has set it (seemingly for good ;). Promptly, you stock up on hot chocolate and prepare to bake anything and everything- it’s just that time of year. While we love cookies and candies, we aren’t about to ignore how these sweet treats and drinks can affect your kid’s oral health. Here are a few tips.

Brush and Floss Regularly

Don’t go crazy here. We’re not asking you to tell your kids to brush their teeth after every meal. Just be more vigilant in making sure they brush well (at least 2 times a day), and possibly more if meals include extra sugar, hot chocolate, or sweet treats. We know you won’t always be able to keep your kids from the extra cookie, but your can encourage extra oral hygiene.

Make Healthier Snacks

You won’t have to limit snacks and baked good as much with simple modifications. For example, substituting most baked good with whole wheat is a simple process that doesn’t change flavor as much as you would think, especially in chocolate baked goods. In addition, consider the following:

  • Look for ways to include fruit in your snacks and treats.
  • Flavor your own popcorn. Cut back on the butter and use canola oil as a substitute.
  • Find more healthy holiday recipes.
Drink Lots of Water

Water is essential to your overall health, but also provides important protections to your teeth. Especially after eating lots of sugar or consuming soda, make sure your kids (and you, for that matter) drink a glass of water.

Set a Routine

Just like you would normally do during any day, week, or month, it’s important to set a good routine during the holidays. With kids out of school, bedtime can be pushed back and disrupt the normal routine of life. Make sure you make a plan for holiday break and stick to it. If you’re going away for the holidays, don’t forget to pack tooth brushes, floss, and mouth wash.

Don’t Forget the Dentist

We’re still around during the holidays. Don’t forget your appointment with the dentist and make sure to reschedule to work around your travel plans. If you have any questions, or want to schedule an appointment, click here.

*Also, we’re giving away a free cape to new patients at our new office in West Jordan. Click here for a coupon.


Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Optimizing Oral Health Through Care and Education

Dental experts are sought out for vital information and advice regarding oral care. On top of being knowledge keepers, however, it is essential they act as educators as well. Many hygienists and dentists know there is no “one size fits all approach” to patient education and therefore must develop a unique methodology. To ensure oral […]

The post Optimizing Oral Health Through Care and Education appeared first on ACT Dental.


Award-Winning Dentists & Partnerships at Charlotte Pediatric Dentistry

As we’re approaching the end of the year (and the beginning of the holiday season), we want to reflect on what a wonderful year it’s been for Charlotte Pediatric Dentistry.

We truly believe it takes a village to ensure that your little one receives the best possible care throughout their childhood, and we take pride in being part of that. We are fortunate that our wonderful community has selected our dedicated dentists as some of the best in Charlotte and the surrounding areas.

Dr. Putney receives a Lake Norman Award

Dr. Kim Putney was recently recognized for her commitment to pediatric dental excellence at our Davidson office. The Lake Norman Chamber of Commerce named Dr. Putney as the 2017 Small Business Diversity Champion. This award recognizes business leaders that exemplify diversity and inclusion in the Lake Norman area. We’re extremely proud of Dr. Putney for leading our Davidson location with such professionalism!

Dr. Dunlap wins award

We’re thrilled for Dr. Carrie Dunlap at our Waverly location. She has been named Best Pediatric Dentist in Charlotte by Charlotte Smarty Pants! Parents all over Charlotte were asked to vote for their favorites in many different categories, from best brunch spot to best medical professionals. What an honor!

Not only have our dentists won some prestigious awards, but we have established some new partnerships with notable local businesses and sports teams, too.

Dr. Moore with members of the Carolina Cycling Group

Dr. David Moore was recently recognized for our partnership with the Carolina Cycling Team. Charlotte Pediatric Dentistry was a sponsor for their Upstate Cycling Classic this past March. Carolina Cycling Team brings valuable knowledge, strategy, and goal setting to the cyclists and aspiring cyclists of the Carolinas, and we’re proud to be partnered with such a great group!

Dr. Moore accepts a championship trophy

We would like to congratulate the Gastonia Grizzlies on their win of the Pettit Cup this year. If you haven’t been to one of their games yet, you’re missing out! Check out their schedule for next year and come watch one of the most entertaining baseball games you’ll ever experience. You might run into one of their many supporters from Charlotte Pediatric Dentistry at a game, too. We love sponsoring such a fun and energetic team.

We have an exciting new venture right around the corner! Charlotte Pediatric Dentistry is partnering with Zammitti & Gidaly Orthodontics to provide Harrisburg families with quality pediatric dentistry and orthodontics in a one-stop shop. This partnership is on track to begin at the beginning of next year, so be sure to look out for more details in the near future.

We have all of our wonderful parents and tiny patients to thank for the recognition we’ve received this year. You are the driving force behind our success and we are forever grateful to serve such a caring community. It has truly been a great year and it’s not over yet! We will share details of what we’re up to for the holiday season very soon, so stay tuned.


Tuesday, November 14, 2017

In Focus: The Impact of Diabetes on Women

Diabetes is the ninth leading cause of death in women globally, causing 2.1 million deaths each year.


Monday, November 13, 2017

How Does Diabetes and Smoking Increase Gum Disease Risk?

What is it about diabetes and smoking that makes people more susceptible to gum disease? Find out from our Consultant Periodontist today.


Futudent EduCam goes mobile


Dental video just went mobile with the new Futudent Recording App for Android. Futudent is pleased to release the new app which makes tether-free filming possible for all EduCam users, old and new. The new app finally make it easy to film your work wherever you want from your own point of view, without needing to be connected to the computer.


Dental Procedure: Impression for Night Guard / Occlusal Appliance

Dr. Rusanen shared his video about impression for night guard / occlusal appliance. He used impression material alginate and index yellow wax. The procedure was recorded using Futudent EduCam, FutuLight, 25mm lens and Futudent recording software.  

The FutuLight gives an automatic color balance and 25mm lens captures closely all the activities without any hassle to stop during the procedures.


Futudent Mid of Year Promo 2017: Because Seeing is Believing

Futudent Mid of Year Promo 2017: Because Seeing is Believing

Record and capture your activities with Futudent EduCam, a 720/1080 px with 30 fps HD video dental camera without any hassle to stop during the procedure session. With the zooming capability from 5 til 10x digital zooming, you can have detailed image for the videos and still photos (in jpeg version) on the same time.




Recently I have been using the Futudent EduCam for taking full arch pictures for treatment planning and documentation. I use the camera mounted on my loupes. I have noticed that this is a big benefit for me, because when something unexpected happens during the procedure it is immediately ready to use. Just by pressing the foot pedal I immediately take pictures of exactly what I see through my loupes. The pictures are directly stored on the computer from which I can copy directly to the patient files. If I compare this to the use of a hand held camera there are some advantages using Futudent: now I do not have to take off my gloves and stop the procedure in order to take the picture and then afterwards transfer the picture from the SD card to the computer. Additionally the digital camera is often not close by and I am usually too busy to set up the camera to take the pictures I need.


How dental videos help patients better understand oral hygiene instructions

How dental videos help patients better understand oral hygiene instructions
In many cases the lack of a proper oral hygiene has led to the need for a prosthetic treatment. The lack of motivation is often a result of the fact that the patient didn't understand the causal connection between the bad oral hygiene and present oral situation. That is the reason why for me, making a new crown, bridge or implant is not enough: the patient has to be involved in the treatment by learning, improving and sustaining their post-procedural hygiene.

Improved documentation with dental video

Improved documentation with dental video

The documentation routines of daily dentistry should be simple, clear and flexible: the details of patient specific findings and  operations should be easily at hand any time. But is this the reality of an average dental practice of today?


3 ways to use dental video in your practice



Benefits of using dental video with pediatric patients

Pediatric dental patients need special inspiration

Pediatric patients often deserve extra attention at the dentist's and hygienist's office. When the atmosphere is positive, the overall experience becomes easier for all parties. Dental video technology and live image of your own mouth is interesting and helps the young patient to settle down and focus.


ADEE - Futudent Video Dentistry Winner Announced

Dental education.jpeg

The only dental video camera you'll ever need - Futudent EduCam

The only dental video camera you'll ever need - Futudent EduCam
Futudent EduCam is the gamechanger in visualizing your work to your patients, students and colleagues. Show, share, explain and convince using video, exactly the way you see it.

Thursday, November 9, 2017

ExpatWoman review: 8-year-old Joakim visits Dr. Rafif

Yul from ExpatWoman brought his son Joakim for a dental checkup and cleaning with Dr. Rafif Tayara, one of our Specialist Pediatric Dentists at Dr. Michael’s Children’s Dental Center.


Tuesday, November 7, 2017

ExpatWoman Consultation and Dental Cleaning with Dr. Thomas

Melissa from ExpatWoman Dubai came to see Dr. Thomas Lyth for a general consultation and dental cleaning.


Halloween Candy Criminals Thwarted Again

Latest release from Dental Times about the recent battle between our heroes and the local gang The Cavity Crew!

Halloween Candy Criminals Thwarted

Sergeant Sealant and The Bristler Pair Up to Defeat Candy Menace

Every year around Halloween, the city of Dental Heights is threatened by the attack of notable crime gang Cavity Crew, and their onslaught of sugar. Molar Man and his Hall of Heroes typically chase them off, and they haven’t been seen since last year. However, this year Cavity Crew’s leader, who calls himself Sweet Tooth, was caught lurking near the abandoned floss warehouse Saturday night, and was chased off by local police. Three days later, graffiti spelling out “Hershey’s Rulezzz” was found on the side of Teeth Hall. Having just recovered from their recent attack from The Infector, Teeth Hall employees left work early and called in sick after learning about the tagline. One employee stated “I can’t deal with this again, the Cavity Crew needs to stay out of town!” We also spoke with Old Man Wisdom, who stated he was only visiting, who begged the question “Where is the Hall of Heroes?”

Dental Heights is lucky to have the protection of Molar Man, but when Cavity Crew showed up Monday morning in the middle of Tongue Square, he was nowhere around. Citizens wondered where he could be, but were quickly relieved when Sergeant Sealant and The Bristler appeared, with their sugar shield and paste punch in tow. The Cavity Crew had already blocked off the square using sugar barriers, while their crew members quickly began attempting to drill their cavity infection holes into innocent teeth civilians. Sergeant Sealant and The Bristler were prepared for this. Working together, they managed to rescue most of the citizens by distracting Cavity Crew members with a refreshing wave of mint toothpaste, and dismantled the sticky sweet barriers with Sergeant’s sugar shield. Somehow in the chaos of action, Sweet Tooth went missing. While The Bristler helped calm the affected citizens using his signature bionic brushing, Sergeant Sealant went after Sweet Tooth. We spoke with Sergeant when he returned with Sweet Tooth in custody, and he explained that the whole event was a distraction so Sweet Tooth could plant his cavity-making sugar spores in places like Teeth Hall and Molar Manor. We are grateful that Sergeant and The Bristler were there, and we hope we don’t see the Cavity Crew for a long time!


6 Excellent Ways to Attract More Patients and Skyrocket Your Profit

6 Excellent Ways to Attract More Patients and Skyrocket Your Profit There is no shortage of dental practices; that’s for sure. As a patient, that’s excellent news. It means you probably have multiple options located near you from which to choose. But, for a dental practice, this means stiff competition. So, what can you do […]

The post 6 Excellent Ways to Attract More Patients and Skyrocket Your Profit appeared first on ACT Dental.


Monday, November 6, 2017

Teeth Whitening - The Shocking Truth

teeth whitening, dentist Kenmore
Want whiter teeth? Dr Rachel Hall reveals the shocking and painful reality behind teeth whitening.

Popular cheap online teeth whitening kits can cause serious irreversible damage to your teeth and gums.

Whitening your teeth can transform your appearance and knock years off your age but if it goes wrong, you could end up damaging your teeth and your smile could look worse than ever.

Do It Yourself Teeth Whitening - Dangers

Do-it-yourself kits have grown in popularity in recent years as sparkly-toothed celebrities inspire people to get their look. These kits are illegal in the UK. And in the UK and USA it is illegal for anyone other than a dental professional to carry out teeth whitening procedures.

The problem is kits costs as little as $20 and so are seen as an affordable alternative to professional dentistry. But what is the cost when these kits cause damage to your teeth and gums? They main seem like a quick and cheap alternative but they are definitely not worth it in the long term as the damage that they can do to teeth is shocking and expensive to repair.

Teeth Whitening Rules

When it comes to teeth whitening there are strict guidelines for dental professionals on which whitening products we can use and specifically on the strength of the gels. A gel that is too strong can burn your mouth and damage your teeth causing pain and sensitivity, whereas a gel that is not strong enough will not work.

The main issue with DIY kits is that they aren’t adapted to the shape of your mouth or teeth unlike the ones a dentist provides where we make custom made trays that fit your mouth perfectly. This ensures the gel works more effectively, and there is less likelihood of gel seeping out onto the gums, which is one of the causes of damage to the mouth. 

Side effects of these dangerous kits include blistered gums, which is caused by the illegal levels of whitening ingredients leaking out of the mouth trays, and gum shrinking caused by a high concentration of hydrogen peroxide.

Nerve damage is also another worrying side effect, as the gum shrinks, this can expose the nerves inside, leading to sensitive teeth and pain. 

If a deal looks to good to be true, it usually is, so if you are considering teeth whitening avoid the cheap kits and make sure you see a dentist or a regulated dental professional.

See A Dentist Before Whitening Your Teeth

You should always consult your dentist before you have any kind of teeth whitening treatment. A qualified dentist can check for any decay or cavities, cracks or leaking fillings which whitening products can seep into, causing irreversible damage and extreme pain and the need for expensive dental treatment that could have been avoided.

Call us to find out about our safe and cost effective teeth whitening treatments and get a brighter, whiter smile today. 07 3720 1811 - info@evolvedental.com.au


Thursday, November 2, 2017

Photos: 2017 New Dentist Conference

This year’s New Dentist Conference, a customized experience created for dentists fewer than 10 years out of school, was held in conjunction with the ADA annual meeting. Attendees convened in the Georgia World Congress Center to meet up with former classmates, new colleagues and learn from each other.

Check out the photos from this year’s event.

Click to view slideshow. http://ift.tt/2iVvr1u

Ask the Hygienist: What Should I Know About Receding Gums?

Our dental hygienist, Aimen Ali, explains what receding gums are and how we can prevent it.
