Sunday, December 31, 2017

7 Words that are Costing You!

Many businesses, large and small, have a huge source of great ideas that can help them improve, innovate, and grow, and yet so many of these companies never think of using this amazing corporate asset. What is this highly valuable asset? Its own people.

Monday, December 25, 2017

How Children Celebrate Christmas Around the World

A little while ago, for Halloween, we did a post about how children celebrate Halloween around the world. It was so cool to learn about all the different ways that a single holiday could be celebrated. So we thought we’d do the same for Christmas. We already learned about Saint Nicholas and how he became Santa Claus, but do you know about the rest of the holiday? Are you even sure why we celebrate this day and give each other gifts? Well, let’s find out…

Origin of Christmas

Christmas is the day that we celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ. The holiday is mainly Christian, but has come to be celebrated by many other religions and cultures, though is still primarily celebrated within the United States and European countries. The history of how this holiday came about goes like this: the birth of Jesus Christ, the one who was prophesied to save the Jews, was predicted for a certain day. After his birth, there was much celebrating and people came from far and wide to see him. We even split our historical years based on his birth! Did you know that BC stands for Before Christ, and AD stands for Anno Domini, which is Latin for “in the year of the Lord”? Those are both in reference to Jesus Christ’s birthday, and we still celebrate this day around the world.

Christmas as a holiday is actually a combination of a bunch of different holidays. Over the last several hundred years we have added in holiday celebrations that took place around the same time. That’s why we have such a variety of different things we do for this day!

So why do we share presents with each other? Well, as we learned about Saint Nicholas, he was the patron saint of gift-giving. That means that he was well-known for being generous and giving. Because we can’t give gifts to Jesus Christ for his birthday, we give them to each other! How can you be more like these two great men?

Since Christ’s birth we sure have run with this special holiday. We now put pine trees up in our homes and decorate them to follow the tradition of preparing for spring. We put mistletoe up because people used to put it in their doorways to ward off evil spirits during this time of celebration and merriment. We do it still to honor their tradition. Can you think of any more traditions? So, before we get into how other people celebrate this day, how do you celebrate? Tell us in the comments!

Christmas in Sweden

In Sweden, still to this day they have a very interesting tradition: the oldest daughter wakes up the earliest and wakes the rest of the family members. She wears a white dress with a red sash and a crown with 9 candles on it! Isn’t that super different from what we do here in America?

After the whole family eats breakfast, the day is spent celebrating with parades, feasts, and a bonfire at the end of the day! In Sweden the people are celebrating St. Lucia, who is the patron saint of the blind. Does this sound like a holiday you want to be a part of? We think it sounds pretty cool!

Christmas in Mexico

In Mexico they celebrate Christmas for 3 weeks! During that time, children will reenact the part of Christ’s story where his parents Mary and Joseph looked for a place to stay. The outside of homes are decorated with red and green and the visiting children will sing songs to the residents. They also make pinatas full of candy and break them open to eat the candy inside! Have you ever had a pinata at your birthday party? Well, in Mexico they are used for more than just your birthday. At the end of the 3 weeks of celebrating, Mexicans go to a church service and have a family meal, which is pretty similar to what we do, wouldn’t you say?

Christmas in Japan

In Japan, the primary religions are Buddhism and Shinto, which means that they do not generally celebrate Christmas like we do. They more celebrate because it is fun to do so! They still give each other gifts, and welcome Santa when he arrives on Christmas Eve.

Christmas in China

The primary holiday in China is the Chinese New Year, which celebrates ancestors, and the coming of spring. Similar to Japan, Chinese households don’t celebrate Christmas the way we do, and instead enjoy taking pictures with Santa and gift-giving if they are so inclined.

A Christmas tree installed with lanterns, measuring over 10 meters high, is illuminated beside sculptures of ancient people in the background of the Big Wild Goose Pagoda on December 24, 2010 in Xian of Shaanxi Province, China. Christmas is becoming increasingly popular in Chinese consumer culture, along with the Valentine’s Day in February and Halloween in October.

Christmas in Russia

In Russia Christmas is celebrated on an entirely different day. Because of former restrictions, Christmas is a very religious holiday which is celebrated on January 7th because Russians use a different calendar than the rest of us! More important to Russians is New Years where they feast, exchange gifts, and give thanks. They also don’t really talk about Santa there. Instead, they have a person they call Grandfather Frost who brings them gifts. They also use this time to celebrate family and even eat out of the same bowl to symbolize unity! What do you think of this holiday?

Christmas in Columbia

Christmas begins on December 7th in Columbia (Colombia). Then…

Houses and streets are decorated with candles, lanterns and lots of lights. There are also big firework displays and music to dance to and foods like ‘buñuelos’ and ’empanadas’. This day is celebrated by Catholics around the world as The Feast of the Immaculate Conception but is especially popular in Colombia. –WhyChristmas

Similarities between America and Columbia consist in decorating trees and viewing the Nativity scene. Have you ever been to one of these?

Christmas in South Africa

In South Africa, the people are mostly christian. That means that they believe in Jesus Christ and celebrate in much the same way we do, with gift-giving, delicious meals, and a general atmosphere of merriment and charity. It certainly looks different in South Africa though!

Christmas in Australia

Did you know that Australia is on a completely different seasonal schedule from us? That means that when we are shivering in blankets and playing in the snow, they are hanging out on the beach and sweating from the high temperatures! So they celebrate Christmas on the same day as we do, but their day looks a whole lot different! They celebrate with lots of food and gift-giving, and enjoy the warm weather!

Wow! Christmas sure is a widely-celebrated holiday, isn’t it? We love this time of year, and we are happy that you are all spending time with your family and having fun with everything. Thanks for tuning in to our 12 days of Burgmas, and we hope to see you in the office sometime soon!

Happy Holidays!

Hermey the Dentist Elf

Do you remember a few days ago when we mentioned that Santa of course doesn’t force all of his helper elves to make toys? Well, we also mentioned that there was at least one elf who wanted to do something besides make toys. His name is Hermey, and he is a dear friend of ours! Have you ever seen the Christmas special Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer? If not, it’s playing this year on Amazon, and you can look for it on certain TV stations.

Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer is an important Christmas classic movie because we learn all about how Rudolph came to lead Santa’s sleigh on Christmas Eve, and we also get to meet someone very special: Hermey.

Hermey’s Story

If you know anything about Christmas elves, you’ll know that Santa asked them if they would like to build toys for him for this most festive holiday. They of course said yes, but now in 2017, hundreds of years after the invention of Christmas, some of the elves want to do other things. Namely, Hermey. As you see in Rudolph, Hermey wants to leave the North Pole to become a dentist. Isn’t that crazy?

So, we don’t want to give any spoilers away, but do you think that this was a worthwhile profession for Hermey to pursue? We think so. Hermey knew what he wanted and he took the chance to get there! Of course, he had to be a bit of an outcast for a while, but people eventually understood that it was more important for Hermey to be happy, than to fit in.

Here you can see Hermey and our favorite reindeer Rudolph hanging out together and working through their “misfit” situations.

Has there ever been a time when you thought you were an outcast, or a misfit, like Rudolph and Hermey? We want you to know that that is not a bad thing. That you should absolutely still do whatever it is that you love to do, and don’t worry if people are mean about it. Especially since Santa is always watching, as we also talked about previously, if you are kind and true to yourself he will make sure to treat you extra well this Christmas!

Do You Want to be a Dentist Too?

That’s awesome! Our Dr. Burg LOVES being a dentist, and we’re sure you will love it too. Though becoming a dentist is a bit of work, we know that each and every one of you is smart enough to handle it! Besides, being a dentist is great because you get to help people have happy, beautiful smiles for your whole life! Check out these steps if you want to grow up to be like Hermey.

How to become a dentist:
  • Get good grades all the way until graduation
  • Study biology and science classes to exercise your brain
  • Take writing and literature classes to help you figure out how to analyze problems
  • Sign up for a good dental program near you
  • Work hard and graduate
  • Take the test
  • Find a great place to work!

We know not everyone wants to be a dentist, but we still think these steps can apply to whatever you want to be when you grow up. You’re already a superhero, you just have to have the dedication to back it up!

We hope that you are still having a lovely holiday season, and we are so excited that Christmas is coming right up! Stay tuned for our final day of Burgmas tomorrow!

Saturday, December 23, 2017

5 Best Holiday Cookie Recipes!

So far during 12 Days of Burgmas we’ve learned that Santa does in fact love cookies, but that they aren’t the only thing he eats. And while we offer him cookies on Christmas Eve to provide him with energy for his night of gift-giving, he would like a little bit of variety in cookie options. So here are some of our favorite cookie recipes that we found for you to try, even if they’re just for you and your guests. Get your children involved and let us know how your cookie baking went!

5 of the Most Delicious Cookie Recipes for Christmas

Not all your cookies for Santa need to be the standard sugar cookies in the shapes of trees and mittens. Try these 5 alternatives to the classic treat, and see if Santa doesn’t leave you a special thank you!

Extra Soft Snickerdoodle Cookies

We stole this recipe from and we love that they are still a standard cookie, but are just a little special. To make them Christmas-ready add in some crystal red and green sprinkles!


  • ¼ cup sugar
  • 2 tablespoons ground cinnamon
  • 1 cup butter, softened
  • 2 teaspoons vanilla
  • 1 cup sugar
  • ⅓ cup brown sugar
  • 2 eggs
  • 3 cups flour
  • 1 tablespoon cinnamon
  • 2 teaspoons cream of tartar
  • 1 teaspoon baking soda
  • ¼ teaspoon salt


  1. Preheat the oven to 375˚F (190˚C).
  2. In a small bowl, mix together sugar and cinnamon until evenly incorporated. Set aside.
  3. In a large mixing bowl whip the butter with vanilla until light and fluffy.
  4. Add the sugar and brown sugar and mix until well incorporated.
  5. Add the eggs and stir until thoroughly incorporated.
  6. Using a sift add the flour, cream of tartar, cinnamon, baking soda, and salt and sift into the dough. Combine until evenly mixed.
  7. Cover with plastic wrap and chill.
  8. Using your hands roll dough into ping pong sized balls.
  9. Dip the dough into cinnamon sugar mixture and roll around covering the dough ball completely.
  10. Place cookie dough on parchment paper-lined baking sheet and bake for 10-12 minutes.
  11. Allow to cool and serve.
  12. Enjoy!

No Bake Chocolate Oatmeal Cookies

We stole this cookie recipe from Sugar Apron because we love to make these with our families! They are an easy, minimally messy, cookie which we think Santa will love!


  • 1/2 cup butter
  • 2 cups granulated sugar
  • 1/2 cup milk
  • 4 Tbsp unsweetened cocoa powder
  • 1/2 cup creamy peanut butter
  • 2 teaspoon vanilla
  • 3 – 3 1/2 cups quick cooking oats


  1. Add the butter, sugar, milk, and cocoa powder in a saucepan.
  2. Bring to a rolling boil, and boil for 1 minute.
  3. Stir in the peanut butter, vanilla, and oats and drop onto parchment paper paper.
  4. Let cool until set, about 10-15 minutes.

Aquarium Cookies

These amazing and fun cookies are great for kids and Santa Clauses! He’ll love it if you swap out the “aquarium” aspects and replaced the with Christmas sprinkles! We found this recipe also on, so go watch the video of them making these if you really need more motivation.


  • 4 oz unsalted butter, softened
  • ½ cup sugar
  • 1 egg
  • 2 cups flour
  • 20 pieces hard candy
  • sprinkle, to taste
  • ¼ cup white chocolate, melted


  1. In a medium bowl, mix softened butter and sugar until smooth. Add the egg and stir well to combine. Sift in the flour and fold until fully incorporated.
  2. Cover the dough with plastic and rest in a fridge for at least 30 minutes.
  3. Preheat the oven to 350˚F (180˚C).
  4. Sprinkle flour on the work surface and rolling pin so the dough won’t stick. Roll out the dough to ¼- to ⅛-inch (6-3 mm) thickness. Using a 3-inch (7 ½ cm) round cookie cutter, cut out the dough.
  5. Cut out center of each cookie with using a 2-inch (5 cm) round cookie cutter.
  6. Place the cookie on a parchment-lined baking sheet and bake for 10 minutes.
  7. Take out the sheet from the oven and place hard candies in the center of each cookies. Bake for 3-5 minutes or until the hard candy melts and spreads out.
  8. Let the cookies cool completely.
  9. In a microwave-safe bowl, melt the white chocolate, about 10-15 seconds.
  10. For the bottom cookies, add your favorite sprinkles onto the hard candy. Take the top cookies and drizzle melted chocolate around the rims. Immediately sandwich the 2 cookies and set in fridge for 15 minutes.
  11. Enjoy!

Twix Cookies

Everyone loves Twix, right? Well we found this delicious recipe from This Grandma is Fun, and we think Santa would love a change of pace with a little bit of candy in his cookies.


  • 1½ cups softened butter
  • 1 cup powdered sugar
  • 3 cups flour
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla
  • ¼ teaspoon salt
  • 15 oz caramel **See notes
  • 2 cups milk choc chips
  • 2 tsp shortening


  1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees
  2. Cream butter and sugar together. Add your vanilla, flour and salt. Mix well.
  3. On a lightly floured surface, roll dough out to ½ inch thick.
  4. To cut cookies you can use a biscuit cutter or I just used a small glass that was 2 inches wide.
  5. Place round cookies on a lightly greased cookie sheet.
  6. Bake at 350 for 14-16 minutes.
  7. Let cookies cool.
  8. Melt caramel and spread the caramel over the cooled cookies.
  9. Let caramel cool completely.
  10. Add your shortening into the chocolate chips and melt in the microwave. Use a microwave safe bowl and watch so that the chocolate does not burn.
  11. Spread melted chocolate over cooled caramel.
  12. Let chocolate set before serving.
  13. Do not put in the refrigerator as it will discolor the chocolate.

The Softest Sugar Cookies Ever really just gives us the best ideas for desserts and meals! Try these pretty sugar cookies for Santa if you want to go a little more traditional with your Christmas cookies. These are sure to please, and are easy to make Christmas-themed by adding a little red and green sprinkles.



  • 3 ½ cups flour
  • 1 ½ teaspoons baking soda
  • ¼ teaspoon salt
  • ¾ cup sugar
  • 1 cup unsalted butter, at room temperature
  • 1 egg
  • ½ cup sour cream
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla


  • ½ cup unsalted butter, at room temperature
  • 2 cups powdered sugar
  • 2 tablespoons milk


  1. Preheat oven to 300˚F (150˚C).
  2. In a bowl add the flour, baking soda, and salt. Whisk to combine.
  3. In a large bowl, add the butter, sugar and cream together using a hand mixer until light and fluffy, about 5 minutes.
  4. Add the egg and mix until fully incorporated.
  5. Add sour cream and vanilla and mix until creamy.
  6. Add the flour mixture, one third at a time, until fully combined.
  7. Shape the dough into a rectangle and wrap in plastic wrap.
  8. Chill dough for 1 hour in the refrigerator.
  9. Remove the plastic wrap from the dough and lightly flour an even surface.
  10. Roll out dough about ½-inch (1 ¼ cm) thick. Cut out circles using a glass or cookie cutter.
  11. Transfer cookies to a parchment paper-lined baking sheet, leaving about 1-inch (2 ½ cm) in between cookies.
  12. Bake for 8 minutes until bottom is golden brown, and the top of cookie are pale.
  13. Let cookies cool on pan or wire rack.
  14. In a bowl, beat the butter until fluffy with a hand mixer. Sift in powdered sugar and mix until incorporated. Add milk and continue to beat until mixture smooth and velvety.
  15. Frost cookies and decorate as you wish.
  16. Enjoy!

We can’t wait for Santa to come to our homes and eat all the delicious cookies that we made for him. We hope that you each have found a fun recipe to try with your little ones, and that you have a good time making them together. Thanks for reading each day, and check back for the next day in our 12 Days of Burgmas!

Had too many sweets and cookies this holiday season? Come in for a checkup with us so you don’t have to worry about cavities for 2018!

Friday, December 22, 2017

How to Get on Santa’s Nice List

Wow! We sure have had some fun so far with our 12 days of Burgmas, right? We have enjoyed learning all about Santa, Christmas, and everything to do with the holidays! But you’re still asking the big questions: how do we get on Santa’s nice list? We already know that you have to take care of your teeth because the Tooth Fairy is keeping tabs on them, but what else? Turns out there are a plethora of things you can do to get on Santa’s nice list, and if the Tooth Fairy is carrying those lovely kind memories to Santa via your beautiful and healthy teeth, you’re sure to get on the list! So keep calm and try these tips!

10 Surefire Ways to Get on Santa’s Nice List Be Kind to Your Siblings

We know it can be hard to be nice to your siblings, but we happen to know for a fact that if you are nice to them, even when they are mean to you, that Santa will appreciate your efforts! So tell them you love them and make sure you never hit them or anyone else!

Offer to Help Your Mom or Dad do the Dishes

We know this task is probably not your favorite, but if you don’t consider it to be fun, don’t you think your parents find it boring as well? If you offer to help them, the job will get done faster and you can sleep easy knowing that Santa is aware of how helpful you are!

Clean Up After Yourself

Everyone makes messes. Whether it’s from toys, food, or just general living practices like brushing your teeth, there will likely be a mess. So it is super important, and extremely helpful, to clean up after yourself. This can include putting your toothbrush away and making sure there’s no leftover toothpaste in the sink, putting your dishes in the sink or dishwasher, and putting your toys away when you’re done using them. Your parents will thank you, and Santa is keeping track!

Eat All of Your Dinner

Sometimes eating all of your dinner can be difficult. It might not be your favorite thing to do, but there’s a reason that your parents want you to eat all of your food. It’s good for your body and your teeth, and it’s less wasteful to make sure your plate is clean after a meal. However, if you have eaten a good portion of it and you are simply too full, you can let your parents know that it was delicious, but you can’t eat another bite! That way they know you did a good job, and you won’t be hungry later. Santa loves it when children are kind to their parents this way!

Do Your Homework

School’s out for the season but you will be going back quickly enough and it’s never too late to start preparing for the following year. Homework is tedious and boring sometimes, but you still need to do it without complaint! Doing so will help you learn and make sure you won’t have to do even more homework later. If you are having a particularly hard time completing an assignment, maybe ask your parents if you can take a break, but make sure that you return to it and finish it so Santa can record your progress!

Say Thank You

Your parents have taught you how and when to say thank you, but are you really saying it enough? Here are some times when saying “thank you” will really benefit you, and whoever you are saying it to!

  • After your parents have prepared or bought you a meal
  • After your parents have provided you with clean laundry, or dressed you for the day
  • When someone shares their toys or food with you
  • When your teacher tells you that you have done well
  • When your sibling gives you something to borrow
  • When your parents let you play outside
  • When someone helps you with your homework
  • When you receive gifts on Christmas morning

Try some of these out, and let us know how it went!

Make a New Friend

Have you ever seen someone at your school who sits alone at lunch, or plays alone at recess? That person is probably in need of a friend. Here’s how you can make their day better: approach them and ask if you can play with them or sit with them. Ask them what they like to do, and make sure you talk about what you like as well. And since Christmas is coming up, you can ask them what they would like to receive, and if you want the same thing then you have something in common that you can play with or talk about! Just because someone is sitting alone doesn’t mean they are weird or different, they are probably just shy. So try to make a new friend, but don’t be too forceful about it or they might not want to be friends with you! Santa will love your hard work!

Share Your Things

We already told you how to say thank you when other people share their toys, food, or other things with you, but doesn’t that mean that you should share your stuff with them? It’s true! Next time someone asks you to play with a toy you should say yes and maybe ask if you can play with them too. We don’t want you to just give your things away, but you can definitely share them and perhaps they’ll let you borrow something in exchange! Additionally, by sharing your toys you can easily make new friends, like in the previous point.

Make Your Bed

Making your bed in the morning is the easiest way to show your parents that you are trying hard to be good. It makes your room look nice, and will be nice to sleep in when you go to bed at night. To make it more fun, see if you can time yourself and try to beat your score the next day!

Don’t Complain

It can be hard to not complain sometimes. You don’t want to eat all your food, do your chores or homework, and you definitely don’t want to make your bed each day. But we promise that by doing each of these things, Santa will record them in his book and you will get some sweet gifts at the end of the year! So next time you have to do something that you don’t want to do, try not to complain and see how your parents appreciate it.

Brush Your Teeth Every Day

We know we already said this one, but we just wanted to make sure you don’t forget. Brush your teeth twice a day, and don’t complain about it!

Santa is a busy man and can’t record every good thing you’ve done in a year, which is why it’s important to always be kind and helpful so that way whenever Santa happens to look your way he can see you doing something nice. He loves each and every child in the world and wants to give you good gifts instead of bad ones or nothing. So keep at it, and just see how nice your life can be!

Keep checking with us every day to find out more about Christmas and this amazing time of year! As always, if you need to schedule an appointment with Burg, you may contact us at any of our locations or fill out this form. Santa appreciates when children go in for their dental checkups as well…

Thanks for Being Part of Our 2017!

Many businesses, large and small, have a huge source of great ideas that can help them improve, innovate, and grow, and yet so many of these companies never think of using this amazing corporate asset. What is this highly valuable asset? Its own people.

Dental Superheroes!

I’m a superhero guy. I grew up on comic books and as an adult I’ve watched in delight as the characters I grew up with have taken over the movie theater. It’s like a dream come true.

Spiderman was my first obsession. What happens when you give a regular kid amazing powers? The stories wrote themselves. Then came the X-men…heroes that were born with their abilities and had to learn to accept themselves as different than regular people. Later in my comic book reading I began to favor Batman and Iron Man…brilliant men with unlimited resources that turned themselves into super heroes.

As the years passed and I was forced into adulthood, I realized that my dreams of being a super hero would have to come to an end. Which honestly worked out for the best because Midland doesn’t have buildings that are tall enough to swing from and I don’t look good in lycra. But what about being a super hero in my chosen profession…dentistry?


“We’ll get that pesky root tip out in no time, Bub.”

First things first, I had to realize that I had no mutant powers. There was no moment in dental school where my latent “amazing hands” showed up. Adamantium luxators didn’t spring from my wrists during my oral surgery rotation…although how cool would that have been? You see, there are some dental mutants out there. Some folks are naturally good at this stuff. And we have to give them their due. One of my friends and mentors, Dr. Jason Smithson, is a dental mutant. I mean that in the nicest way possible, by the way. He’s a really great guy and fun to talk with (see the Dental Hacks podcast as well as a couple episodes of the Alan Mead Experience). He’s an excellent teacher, too. But I’ve given up on the idea that I might be able to do what he does. He is naturally amazing to start with and has worked to hone his craft. The true mutants always do.

Then you’ve got the Spiderman types. My buddy Dr. Shawn Van de Vyver comes to mind. His superpowers came to him later in the game. The dude can create a website out of thin air in minutes. He thinks about three levels higher than most when it comes to marketing a dental office and teaching about technology. But if you ask him, he’ll tell you that this superpower came to him pretty late in the game. I’m fairly certain he wasn’t bitten by a radioactive spider, but the skills he shows are nothing short of superhuman.


Eat your heart out, Bruce Wayne.

But where does that leave the rest of us? The ones with no superpowers? We have to summon our inner Bruce Wayne or Tony Stark? We have to use our resources and choose technologies that help us create our own special battle armor. What if I told you that I could hone your diagnostic skills sharper than Wolverine’s claws? What if I told you that I could help you persuade your patients better than the Purple Man? (Sorry, that’s a deep cut. Also, he’s pretty evil. So maybe that’s a bad example). The technology I’m talking about is the dental operating microscope. I have four of them in my Batcave and I use them in all aspects of my dentistry, from hygiene to surgery to restorative dentistry and endodontics. I know what you’re thinking…”really? You have four?” Hey listen…I take this superhero business pretty seriously. When you don’t have superpowers you have to make up for it, right? I use the microscopes to help me diagnose at a high level and help me explain conditions to patients. Then I use them when I’m battling tooth decay and gum disease in my role as operator. When I’m sitting behind a scope, I have superhuman vision that’s helped me in all aspects of my dentistry.

So here’s to the comic book nerds! What have you done in your office to become a superhero?

Decorating for the Holidays with Children

We all know how difficult it can be to decorate your home for the holidays without someone messing it up. Whether it’s your kids or your pets, there IS a way to decorate without creating tons of new toys for them! Check out these ideas to create a perfectly celebratory and cozy house without any mess and without any danger.

Decorate Your Place!

Alright so we’re looking to avoid things that can easily be knocked over, torn down, or shattered. Here are our best ideas:

First of all, check out some of Nina Hendrick’s ideas on her blog. Not only is her home beautiful and charming, many of the things she lists there are durable and childproof.

Look at this cute alternative to a regular tree! We know it can be hard to stray from your standard pine, but if you’ve got pets, it can be a nightmare keeping them off of that thing. Eventually you’ll end up cleaning needles and ornament shards every other day! You can find this tree idea and more at Quarters 1.

Here’s another alternative to a regular Christmas tree, and we think this looks pretty chic! Just remind the kids no climbing.

If you are a fan of cheap and simple decorations, this pillow cover is a no-nonsense way to say happy holidays! Also, you can get your family name engraved on it for that special touch.

These adorable countdown blocks work well because if a child or pet decides they simply must knock them over, it’s likely time to switch the day anyway!

Fill your windows with snowflakes and mistletoe! This is a cute, family-friendly idea that you can use for more than just Christmas. Additionally, you could just steal this idea and cut your own snowflakes, or buy them here for about $5.

Does the Grinch live at your house? We bet your kids would love it if they thought he did! Check out this cute idea, and let their imaginations run wild.

Other Quick Ideas:

There are tons of ways in which to decorate for the holidays. We are always trying to keep our children in mind when we make changes, so hopefully these fun ideas will give you a good starting ground for your Christmas decorating either for this year or next. Let us know if you think anything should be added to this list, and as always, stay tuned as we continue the 12 days of Burgmas!

Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Undeniable Santa Claus Truths

Well, we’ve already dived into several myths about Santa. Some of them were really interesting, and some were pretty scary! Who knew that Santa doesn’t actually have claws? And while we’re at it, wasn’t that cool information about Santa and the Tooth Fairy? We really love Santa, Christmas, and all the wonderful history surrounding the holiday, which is why we wanted to make a list about all the things that are true about Santa.

Certified Santa Truths: Santa is immortal

As we learned in Santa Myths, Santa is very old. Hundreds, if not thousands of years! If you’ll recall, Saint Nicholas was alive around 250 AD, and he’s been delivering gifts ever since then! So, if we’re telling the truth we’re really not sure if he’s immortal or just REALLY old. But either way, he’s dedicated his very long life to giving gifts on Christmas and we believe he’ll be doing it for many more years to come!

He is friends with the Snow Miser

Ever heard of the Snow Miser? That’s okay! Check out The Year Without a Santa Claus, which tells the true story of a year when Santa decided to take a break. While he is off vacationing, yet still hoping that people will believe in him come Christmas, we meet the Snow Miser. The Snow Miser is in charge of all things cold. We won’t tell you the whole plot of the story, but just suffice it to say that when Santa Claus is in the North Pole he needs it to be quite cold. So what does he do when things start getting a little too warm? Calls up his friend the Snow Miser and asks him to chill everything out a little.

So next time you are in need of some snow for sledding or maybe a snow day, contact the big man who can in turn ask his friend for your favor. We all love white Christmases, and we have the Snow Miser to thank for that!

But why does the North Pole need to be so cold? Well, that question is answered in this next Santa fact…

He personally raised each of his reindeer

So, like we said before, Santa enlisted the help of the Tooth Fairy to help him keep track of all the good boys and girls in the world. This was because the world was expanding so quickly, and it was hard to remember every child in the whole world, so the Tooth Fairy gladly stepped in. Well, also around that same time, the need to begin flying in order to deliver gifts to every child in the world arose. Santa could no longer travel on the ground to reach every corner of the Earth, which meant that he needed a way to fly. This was before airplanes were invented, so what did he do?

He decided to raise a few reindeer! 9 to be exact. You see, reindeer can fly, and Santa wanted a fleet who would help him out on Christmas Eve. So, over the course of the next few years he raised 9 different reindeer from small, fuzzy babies. Do you know their names?

After he gathered together his reindeer fleet he had to practice! He spent the next year (in preparation for the following Christmas) training them to work together, with the leader of course being Rudolph! Once they were trained and he began going all over the world, he realized something…he didn’t know many of the languages that the children of the world spoke! So what did he do?

Santa learned to speak every language that exists!

As we mentioned earlier, Santa is immortal. This means that he’s been able to dedicate many of his years and off-season time to learning all the languages in the world! Can you imagine how difficult that would be? But not for Santa! He is very smart and determined, so he learned every language and still uses them today with his negotiations around the world. The other time this handy skill is needed is when he occasionally runs into a child in the middle of the night as he is delivering his gifts!

Santa loves cookies

Have you ever met Santa Claus? Maybe at a shopping center or party? That’s because Santa loves to meet the children he watches so carefully, and he loves to get to know you! So, if YOU are the child he happens to run into during Christmas Eve, make sure you tell him where the cookies are. After all, you’re already friends, and Santa loves cookies. Though we already debunked the myth that cookies are all he eats, that doesn’t change the fact that he loves to eat them every chance he gets! We leave cookies out as a favor to him, and to say thank you, so if you run into him as you’re going to the bathroom or getting a drink of water, tell him where they are and say thank you for all of his hard work! He will be so happy to say hello to you!

But when Santa isn’t delivering gifts, who makes cookies for him? If he loves them so much, shouldn’t he have them all year round? Fear not, for Santa has a special cookie baker wherever he goes…

Married to Mrs. Claus

Mrs. Claus is Santa Claus’ wife and best friend! They have been married for almost as long as Santa has been delivering gifts each year. We won’t go into the details about how they met and fell in love, but you can relax knowing that Mrs. Claus loves to bake cookies for her husband when they are not vacationing together or learning about the children of the world.

Other facts about Mrs. Claus:

  • She is the one who writes all the names in Santa’s book because her handwriting is better.
  • She regularly has lunches with the Tooth Fairy, because they are great friends!
  • She helps Santa come up with the perfect gift for every child.
  • She has tons of cookie recipes, but prefers chocolates for herself.

So, now that we know more about Mrs. Claus, what about Santa’s other helpers?

Santa’s elves make his gifts

We know you’ve heard of Santa’s helpers before. They’re famous! One of the best looks into their lives that we ever receive is in the movie Elf. These elves have rich, rewarding lives with families and friends up in the North Pole. However, they just cannot get enough of making toys for children. They absolutely love it! Santa recognized this early on when he met a tribe of elves making small toys and gadgets for a small town. He recruited their whole tribe and they have been working for him ever since! They unfortunately aren’t immortal like the big man, but they sure are happy to carry the tradition of making toys down.

Are there any elves who don’t want to make toys? Certainly! And Santa doesn’t force them to make toys if they don’t want to. To learn about a different kind of elf, check back each day, as we’ll be revealing a different kind elf profession soon!

As always, Burg Children’s Dentist is excited to meet your little ones for a visit. Schedule an appointment during the slow season right now and get it done for the rest of the year!

Minimally Invasive Dental Extractions

Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Family Christmas Activities Across Utah

It’s time to get out there and spend some quality time with the whole family! Lucky for us, there are a ton of things to do in Utah for Christmas around this time of year, and we just thought we’d compile a list of them so you don’t have to go searching for stuff to do. We tried to cover across most of Northern Utah so we didn’t leave anyone out. Check it out!

Christmas Activities, 2017 The Little Prince

Come check out this amazing and heartfelt play in South Salt Lake. It’s been playing for a while but runs through December 23rd. This will be a fun night to remember with family and it isn’t too expensive. For more information, go here.

Zoo Lights

All month long you can go see a bunch of amazing animals, while simultaneously fulfilling your need for Christmas cheer with all of the beautiful lights. It’s gonna be cold, so dress appropriately, but this is such a cool annual event! For ticketing and more, go here.

Draper’s Tree of Life

The tree is lit, and it’s just as beautiful as it was last year. Come check out this fun park full of Christmas beauty and make sure you bring the cocoa! For more information, go here.

North Pole Express

This is such a creative idea! Up in Heber you can ride this train with a party of 15 and sing along with Christmas songs! They offer hot cocoa and cookies, and we’re sure that you’ll feel like you’re on the Polar Express. Check out event details here. **Update: this event is sold out for the 2017 year. But we are keeping it on this list in case readers would like to check it out next year.

Christmas at City Creek Center

This beautiful shopping center has a lot to keep you occupied during the Christmas season. There are fountain shows and amazing displays, but you can pick which one you want to attend here.


If you live a little more south but still want to experience some amazing lights in an amazing location, this is the place for you! They offer hot chocolate and there’s plenty of space for your children to run around and see beautiful lights!

Each of these events are awesome and super family friendly! We hope you have a lovely holiday season and stay tuned for the next day in 12 days of Burgmas!

Experience ADA 2017

What’s Your Holiday Story

Many businesses, large and small, have a huge source of great ideas that can help them improve, innovate, and grow, and yet so many of these companies never think of using this amazing corporate asset. What is this highly valuable asset? Its own people.

This Plane and Your Practice: One Key to Staying Airborne

Many businesses, large and small, have a huge source of great ideas that can help them improve, innovate, and grow, and yet so many of these companies never think of using this amazing corporate asset. What is this highly valuable asset? Its own people.

Christmas Dentist Opening Hours

In the event of a Dental emergency, there are certain surgeries open over the Christmas period. Check out our dentist finder to find the nearest to you.

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Monday, December 18, 2017

13 Great Stocking Stuffers for Children

That’s right. It’s stocking stuffer time. We know you want to get the best gifts for your little superheroes, and we wanted to make your shopping experience a little easier. From moon sand to dinosaurs we have the best stocking stuffer ideas out there!

13 Awesome Stocking Stuffer Ideas

Minecraft Wither Spinner

This awesome toy is currently on sale on If your child loves Minecraft, look no further than this cool, cheap toy. It will keep them occupied while you prepare dinner, and keep their hands busy when they’re bored. You can get this sweet toy here.

Millenium Falcon Tool Kit

Check out this sweet tool kit. This cool toy is both topical and serves as an opportunity to have your kids help you with small projects. It’s a little on the pricey side, but fits perfectly in your Star Wars loving child’s stocking. You can purchase this kit here.

Crayola Color Bath Drops

Make bathtime fun with these cool colored bath drops! They’re safe for kids and will help any child feel like they’re in colorful painting. Purchase these cool tablets here.

Kinetic Sand

If you haven’t yet heard of this cool sand, you should look into purchasing this (even if it’s just for yourself). This sand comes in many colors, is pretty cheap, and has a lot of benefits. It won’t make a mess and plays like putty so your child can build and shape whatever they want! Get it here.

Minnie Mouse Brush and Comb

We think this is super cute! If your child is a fan of Minnie Mouse, they’ll love this small stocking stuffer. You can purchase this on Amazon for only $5!

Storm Trooper Electric Toothbrush

We had to. At Burg we are always advocating for kids taking care of their teeth. If your child doesn’t enjoy brushing very much, give this cool toothbrush a try! Buy it on Amazon.

Anna and Olaf Dolls

Can you believe this Disney toy is this cheap? Jump on this sale fast and surprise your child with both Anna and Olaf! Get it here.

Floam Slime

We’re all about keeping those hands and minds occupied. Here is another cool, mess-free toy that will be fun to play with for a long time! It’s literally only $2. C’mon. Buy it here.

Pastel Building Bricks

This will fit nicely in your stocking and is a cool puzzle builder that any child would enjoy. You can find it at Target or go to their online toy store here.

Horse Magnetic Game

This is a convenient little game that your child can carry in their pocket. Let them entertain themselves wherever they go! And because they’re magnetic, you’ll likely lose less pieces. Find it here.

Activity Sensory Board

If you haven’t noticed, there’s been a bit of a theme in this blog. We love things that encourage children to use their minds and hands, and things that keep them busy. Check out this cool toy from Etsy that is sure to engage their minds for hours at a time! Buy it here.

Superhero Cape and Mask

Does your kid love superheroes as much as we do? Get them this cape and mask combo and let them go on adventures every day. Additionally, we love it when our patients come to our office as superheroes! Get it here.

Dinosaur Set

Help your kids learn about dinosaurs with this adorable set. It’s only $10 and you can find it here.

Good luck shopping and we hope you have a happy holiday season! Remember to check back tomorrow for our continued 12 Days of Burgmas! Of course, if you’re looking to schedule an appointment with us, please just fill out this form and we’ll be happy to meet you and your child!