Monday, March 18, 2019

Facebook Live event: Got questions on dental benefits and third-party issues?

Chances are you’ve run into concerns with patients’ dental benefit plans.

Dental professionals can learn and get answers to some of the most common questions on dental benefits during a Facebook Live event scheduled for 1 p.m. Central time on March 22 at

The event will tackle issues such as the reasons for delayed or denied payments; how to eliminate wasting staff time waiting for dental plans to verify patient eligibility; and how contractual clauses can affect revenue for a dental office.

The event will highlight the ADA Third Party Payer Concierge, an exclusive member perk that connects dentists with ADA staff experts from the Center for Dental Benefits. The Facebook Live event features Dr. Chris Bulnes, ADA Council on Dental Benefit Programs chair, and Dr. Sara Stuefen, New Dentist Committee and ADA Council on Dental Benefit Programs member.

For those unable to join the event live, it will be recorded and available on the ADA’s Facebook page at

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