Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Celebrate Dental Assistants Recognition Week March 3-9

Dental assistants are an essential part of the dental practice all year long, but they get a special week dedicated to them for all the great service they do to advance patient care.

The ADA Council on Dental Practice is encouraging dentists to acknowledge the commitment and dedication of their dental assistants during Dental Assistants Recognition Week, March 3-9.

This year’s theme is “Today’s Dental Assistant — Polished, Poised and Professional.” The American Dental Assistants Association chose the theme because it acknowledges the growing importance of dentistry’s role in health care and the responsibilities of dental assistants.

“Every day is a good day to recognize our dental assistants for their unique and diverse contributions to the delivery of great care for our patients,” said Dr. Stacey K. Van Scoyoc, chair of the Council on Dental Practice.

“Dental assistants are vital to the success of the dental practice and it’s exciting that careers in dental assisting continue to diversify and expand,” Dr. Van Scoyoc continued. “Dental assistants do much more than work chairside with the dentist. They take X–rays, schedule patients, sterilize instruments, order supplies, manage the day-to-day business of the office, provide patient instruction, contact benefits administrators and sales representatives, to name a few of the tasks in their job description. The dental assistants in my practice allow me to serve my patients with the highest quality of care and customer service.”

The ADA, American Dental Assistants Association, Canadian Dental Assistants Association and Canadian Dental Association jointly recognize the observance.

Many dental assistants will observe the week by participating in educational and charity events and other team activities. Dentists often show their gratitude for dental assistants’ diverse contributions to the practice and the public by providing perks such as luncheons, flowers or treats.

Each year, the ADAA urges dental assistants to recap their activities and successes throughout the week and submit them for possible publication in The Dental Assistant, the ADAA journal.

Dental team members can download a kit online that includes ideas for a news release; an overview on using social media to promote the week online; sample proclamations and public service announcements; and in-house promotions. It also includes examples of what last year’s participants did to recognize the week.

For more information on the ADAA, visit dentalassistant.org.


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