Monday, January 21, 2019

New Year’s Resolutions for a Healthy, Happy Smile

As the hustle and bustle of the holidays begins to wind down, you’re probably thinking about making changes in 2019. Whether it’s to eat healthier or stick to a budget, the start of a new year is a great time to set these goals. If you’re putting together a list of New Year’s resolutions, Charlotte Pediatric Dentistry wants to remind you of some tips for your children’s smiles!

Leave bad brushing habits in 2018

We know that the job of a parent is never over. There are a lot of things a parent has to handle or take care over throughout every day, but Charlotte Pediatric Dentistry encourages parents to stay vigilant with your child’s dental hygiene in 2019 and beyond. By taking care of your child’s teeth and teaching them good habits, you can prevent a lot of teeth-related headaches in the future!

Cut back on sugary drinks and foods

As adults, a lot of us set goals in the new year to cut back on junk food and start living a healthier lifestyle! Fortunately, these changes often reflect onto our children as well. Protect your children’s teeth in 2019 by providing less sodas and juices, and more water. Drinking more water prevents tooth decay and cavities.

Chaperon their oral care

As your children become more independent and can brush their teeth themselves, it’s important that you continue to supervise their dental hygiene. Parents with children under seven years old should watch them as they brush their teeth to ensure that they are reaching all of their teeth, including the back.

Oral-B suggests letting your children brush their teeth themselves at first to establish independence and good practice, but for parents to also assist children brushing and flossing to guarantee a thorough cleaning.

Don’t forget the floss and fluoride

Once child reach the age of three, dentists recommend a fluoridated toothpaste. A toothpaste with fluoride is designed to prevent tooth decay by strengthening the enamel. According to the American Dental Association (ADA), children’s teeth should be brushed twice a day – morning and night.

If you’re unsure about the right age to start flossing your children’s teeth, a good rule to use is to start flossing when your child has two or more teeth that are touching. Once these starting making contact with each other, food can start getting stuck and cause bacteria growth.

For more tips on how to take great care of your children’s teeth, consult the experts at Charlotte Pediatric Dentistry!

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