Thursday, January 31, 2019

Celebrate National Children’s Dental Health Month with Charlotte Pediatric Dentistry

Free Exams for New Patients All Month Long

During the month of February, 2019, Harrisburg Pediatric Dentistry is celebrating National Children’s Dental Health Month by offering a free comprehensive assessment of your child’s teeth, gums, lips, and tongue. Free exams are available for children seven years old and under, and new patients only.

This free dental exam includes:

  • Projections of future facial growth and development
  • Consultation of dietary challenges and solutions. Bag of goodies filled with dental supplies
  • A Harrisburg Pediatric Dentistry t-shirt

Our doctors will be available to answer any questions you may have about your child’s dental and orthodontic needs. These free exam appointments are available Monday through Thursday from 10:00 A.M. to 12:30 P.M. and 2:00 P.M. to 3:00 P.M. Call us today at XXX-XXX-XXXX to book your appointment.

5 Ways to Keep a Healthy Smile

To further celebrate National Children’s Dental Health Month, we want to share tips on how to keep your kids’ smiles healthy all year round!

  • Floss before bed
  • Eat a balanced diet
  • Brush for two minutes, two times a day * Use a fluoridated toothpaste
  • Drink fluoridated water

Staying up to date with your child’s dental hygiene will help prevent future problems with their teeth. Call our local Harrisburg location to schedule your child’s free dental exam in the month of February – only 20 spots are available so act fast to reserve your appointment.

Give Kids A Smile: One family’s story

Thursday, January 24, 2019

7 Questions Patients Ask About Crowns

Who needs a crown, does it hurt, and will it look natural? We answer the 7 most common questions patients ask us about crowns.

Monday, January 21, 2019

New Year’s Resolutions for a Healthy, Happy Smile

As the hustle and bustle of the holidays begins to wind down, you’re probably thinking about making changes in 2019. Whether it’s to eat healthier or stick to a budget, the start of a new year is a great time to set these goals. If you’re putting together a list of New Year’s resolutions, Charlotte Pediatric Dentistry wants to remind you of some tips for your children’s smiles!

Leave bad brushing habits in 2018

We know that the job of a parent is never over. There are a lot of things a parent has to handle or take care over throughout every day, but Charlotte Pediatric Dentistry encourages parents to stay vigilant with your child’s dental hygiene in 2019 and beyond. By taking care of your child’s teeth and teaching them good habits, you can prevent a lot of teeth-related headaches in the future!

Cut back on sugary drinks and foods

As adults, a lot of us set goals in the new year to cut back on junk food and start living a healthier lifestyle! Fortunately, these changes often reflect onto our children as well. Protect your children’s teeth in 2019 by providing less sodas and juices, and more water. Drinking more water prevents tooth decay and cavities.

Chaperon their oral care

As your children become more independent and can brush their teeth themselves, it’s important that you continue to supervise their dental hygiene. Parents with children under seven years old should watch them as they brush their teeth to ensure that they are reaching all of their teeth, including the back.

Oral-B suggests letting your children brush their teeth themselves at first to establish independence and good practice, but for parents to also assist children brushing and flossing to guarantee a thorough cleaning.

Don’t forget the floss and fluoride

Once child reach the age of three, dentists recommend a fluoridated toothpaste. A toothpaste with fluoride is designed to prevent tooth decay by strengthening the enamel. According to the American Dental Association (ADA), children’s teeth should be brushed twice a day – morning and night.

If you’re unsure about the right age to start flossing your children’s teeth, a good rule to use is to start flossing when your child has two or more teeth that are touching. Once these starting making contact with each other, food can start getting stuck and cause bacteria growth.

For more tips on how to take great care of your children’s teeth, consult the experts at Charlotte Pediatric Dentistry!

Tips to protect your child’s smile during the holidays

‘Tis the season for sweets! We love the holidays for many reasons: decorations, family time, and of course the food! During these weeks, you can’t help but be inundated with cookies, candy, and loads of other delectable desserts. Unfortunately, this applies to your kids as well. Between school, family gatherings, and other holiday activities, your littles ones are bound to be faced with candy canes, Christmas cookies, or other sweet treats. At Charlotte Pediatric Dentistry, we want to help you remember to protect their little smiles throughout the holiday season!

Deck the halls with dental care

With the season upon us, make sure to use these simple dental tips to prevent plaque, build-up, and cavities in your children’s’ teeth!

Don’t skip dessert

It may sound too good to be true – but it’s not! According to Colgate, it’s better to incorporate dessert into the meal. Rather than serving dessert last or separately, integrating a sugary dessert with other healthy foods will assist in displacing the sugar from their teeth. As an added bonus, those healthy foods will also help counteract acids from the ingested sugar!

Cut down on candy

Monitoring your child’s candy consumption could seem overwhelming, but it’s crucial to the health of their teeth. Hard candy, like the seasonal candy cane, are sucked on and in the mouth for a long time – causing them to pose the biggest risk to the teeth. Don’t forget – it’s all about moderation! Remind your children what can happen to their teeth if they eat too much candy or cookies. You don’t have to be a total downer, but warning them could curb their sweet tooth a little.

Teeth are not for tearing

There’s very little more exciting than opening presents during the holidays! When your children are ripping into their presents under the tree, they may be tempted to open packages with their teeth instead of waiting for your help with scissors or a knife. Keep a watchful eye while presents are being opened and remind your children not to use their teeth!

Don’t blank on brushing

Throughout the hustle and bustle of the holidays, it’s important to not neglect daily dental hygiene! After a busy night of looking at Christmas lights and sipping on hot cocoa, make sure your little one still brushes and flosses their teeth before bed.

Keep up with cleanings

Kids are out of school for winter break – what a great time to schedule a dental cleaning and checkup. Check your calendar and determine when is the best time to get your child into the dentist chair before they have to head back to school.

Give the gift of clean teeth

The holidays are the perfect time to make dental hygiene fun! If you’re looking for great stocking stuffer ideas, consider putting fun toothbrushes, toothpaste, and floss in your children’s stockings. You can easily find toothbrushes and toothpaste with your child’s favorite cartoon or movie character at your local grocery store or online!

My child has cavities and needs fillings; I’m worried

It’s normal for parents to worry when they’re told that their child needs dental treatment. We are here to help.

Wednesday, January 16, 2019

5 Ideas for Marketing Your Dental Practice Like a Pro

You may be a pro at giving patients beautiful smiles, but when it comes to marketing your business I bet you have your doubts. As a dental practice owner you can’t afford to have those, which is why you’ll find these marketing ideas a great way to supercharge your strategy. And before you wave it off, let’s be clear: your practice is your business so it’s important that you give it some tender loving care (aka marketing) to grow it.

Create a Brand, Not a Practice

One of the most important things that dental practice owners forget is that, not everyone is interested in using your service initially. You have to dress up to impress, and in business that means branding.

A brand according to the American Marketing Association is, “a name, term, design, symbol, or any other feature that identifies one seller’s good or service as distinct from those of other sellers.”

Creating a brand will help distinguish your practice from your competitors. Brand building can start as simply with getting a logo design, and can go as complex as branding your office décor, billboards, signage, brand identity, apparel, and more. The idea is to psychologically train your patients to associate your service quality with visual stimulation. Wherever they see the colors, symbol, or mark, they’ll immediately recognize your brand.

Build Fan-Following Not Clients

When you’re so focused on securing clients, you often only see how much revenue you’re generating. That is good business sense. But when you concentrate on wowing your customers, chances are, you make great impressions on them, enough to keep them gushing about you all day, week, or month long. I know I do when I visit a great dentist!

The next time you treat a patient, make the effort of being a bit more friendly; pay attention to their preferences; play along with their pain points (literally); and there’s no harm adding some wackiness to the process. After all you want them to remember you, and create a fan out of them. Their word of mouth will pay off long after their visit. This leads us to our next point.

Focus on Quality, Not Quantity

What is dentistry about if not skilled service? According to D. Scott Trettenero, while every dentist tries their utmost to give quality service, all dentists are not the same, and likewise their services. From the perspective of patients, quality means these four factors: empathy, responsiveness, reliability, and capability.

Take time to review your practice’s process right from when a potential patient calls for an appointment to the point when they have completed treatment and left your office. Where can you improve? What can be minimized to deliver faster service? What to add to better the service? Focus on processes that would improve quality.


Be Tech Savvy, Not Tech Addicted

We understand that as a dentist you have to keep up with your profession by attending numerous workshops and conferences, as well as attaining certifications. But while all those pertain to your skills as a dentist, you have to also be tech savvy in the business sense.

Get online. The world today operates online, and offers plenty of opportunities that you’d find extremely useful to be tech savvy. Some of the ways that you could use technology for your business includes setting up a website about your dental practice as described here:

Business Directories – List your dental practice in directories like Yellow Pages, Vitals, Wellness, and Zocdoc so that potential customers can easily locate you when they are looking for a dentist. Be sure to give complete contact information.

Review Sites – Reviews help give your potential patients an unbiased view of your service, and most help ranking for your website, too. Try to get five star reviews on sites like Yelp, Trustpilot, and Better Business Bureau, etc.

Social Media – This one you may have used for friends and family before but it’s time to give some serious thoughts about building your personal brand through social media. Build a community, be responsive, and be there for your past and potential patients.

e-Newsletter – How do you show your expertise to Millennials and young adults who are always glued to their phones? Shoot an e-newsletter to your existing clients to tell them about your new and improved services, and while you’re at it, there’s no harm requesting that they share in their circles.

Dental Apps – If there is a service in this world, there is an app for it. If you’re not convinced then the reasons listed here will.

Communicate, Not Sell 

In the end, I would like to advise dental practice owners to communicate, not sell. When you start selling, you are concentrating on what YOU will gain out of it. When you communicate you will focus more on what you can give to benefit your patients, and that’s what would interest THEM. If you’re too busy, then create channels of communication and make yourself reachable. Remember, the nearer the patients are to you, the more comfortable they will be in reaching out when they’re in need of your service.

Why Does My Child Have Cavities Despite Regular Brushing?

A very common concern with parents is children having tooth decay despite the fact that they have been brushing regularly.

Monday, January 7, 2019

6 Practical Oral Care Tips for Parents with Toddlers

Raising a toddler can be overwhelming & oftentimes oral health takes a backseat. Here are tips to make sure your child gets the best care.