Wednesday, July 4, 2018

Top 5 Smile Makeover Options

Cosmetic DentistMost of us would improve something about our appearance if we could. Many people don’t like the appearance of their teeth or smile. In this article we will talk about the most popular smile makeover or cosmetic dentistry options.

1. Porcelain veneers 

A veneer is a thin layer of porcelain which fits over the front surface of a tooth, similar to
how a false fingernail fits over a nail.

Veneers are a fast solution when improving the colour, shape and position of your teeth.

A veneer can make a chipped tooth look whole again or if it discoloured. The porcelain covers the whole of the front of the tooth, with a thicker section replacing the broken part.

blog-braces-veneers2 If you have small gaps between your teeth, veneers can be a good solution when orthodontics (braces) is not suitable. If a tooth is slightly out of position, a veneer can sometimes be fitted in such a way that it brings it into line with the other teeth.

Veneers make teeth look natural and healthy and can easily transform a smile. Very little preparation of the tooth is needed because they are very thin and are held in place by a special, strong adhesive. Some types of veneers don’t need any preparation at all. The amount of enamel removed is minimal and will be the same as the thickness of the veneer to be fitted, so that the tooth stays the same size.

The costs for this treatment can vary from practice to practice so it is important to discuss charges and treatment options with your dental team before starting treatment.

It is important to understand that the process is not reversible. Veneers are more expensive than composite resin bonding. They are also usually not repairable should they chip or crack.

2. Composite bonding

Bonding is the application of a tooth-coloured composite resin to repair a decayed, chipped, fractured, discoloured tooth. It can make teeth appear longer, and as a cosmetic alternative to amalgam fillings. Bonding is a very quick solution to improve you smile, and results can be achieved in a single visit to your dentist.

Bonding is one of the easiest and least expensive cosmetic dental procedures. The composite resin used in bonding can be shaped and polished to match the rest of your teeth. Bonding is manly used to improve the appearance of a discoloured or chipped tooth. It also can be used to close spaces between teeth, to make teeth look longer or to change the shape or colour of teeth.

Bonding has other uses, such as a cosmetic alternative to fillings, or to protect a portion of the tooth’s root that has been exposed because of gum recession.

It is important to remember that resin used in bonding can easily stain, so tea, coffee, cigarette smoke and other substances should be avoided. To prevent/minimise stains, brush your teeth often and have them cleaned every six months by a dental hygienist.

 3. Invisalign

The treatment involves wearing a number of clear plastic orthodontic trays called aligners which are custom fitted to you. There are no metal wires or brackets. The aligners can be removed for short periods, making it easier to eat and brush than when wearing traditional braces, but should be worn for at least 22 hours a day.

Results can be influenced by the patient’s dedication in wearing the aligners, the doctor’s 10903921_878882655509036_8134749489272789168_oexperience, and the severity of the case.

The cost depends on the number of aligners you need to correct your smile. There are a number of advantages to the Invisalign brace including:

  • Appearance – Clear Braces Look Better
  • Comfort – Clear Braces Can Be Removed When Necessary
  • Safety – Clear Braces Reduce Damage to Teeth and Gums
  • Duration of Treatment – Clear Braces Straighten Teeth Faster
  • Knowing What to Expect – There are No Surprises (treatment plan is agreed prior to the aligners being made)

All in all, Invisalign offers distinct advantages over conventional metal braces. It costs slightly more, but is well worth the price.  This is the major disadvantage and obstacle to the Invisalign system is the cost, as more many people it is unaffordable.

The only significant issue for some people is the fact that the aligners are removable, and are therefore not correcting the teeth 100% of the time, only when they are in. As mentioned above, they should be worn for at least 22 hours per day, but the flexibility means that many people take them out more often. This can disrupt the treatment and may take longer to correct the teeth. The success of the brace is ultimately dependent on the patient’s habits and consistency in wearing them.

 4. Six months smiles or fixed short term Cosmetic Orthodontics

This is a type of brace system which is able to re-position crooked or badly aligned teeth in a six month period – hence the name. It is a great choice of brace for anyone who needs some form of tooth correction but does not want to undergo treatment over a long period of time.

It uses small brackets and wires which are tooth coloured (or white) so that it will blend in with the rest of your teeth. They are not completely transparent, and you will see them, but are hardly noticeable (smaller and lighter) compared to the metal type.

This is a small, light and unobtrusive brace which can treat any of the following conditions:

  • Misaligned teeth
  • Overbite
  • Underbite
  • Crossbite
  • Overcrowded teeth
  • Gaps between the teeth

Another benefit of the Six Month Smile is that it is relatively painless and cheaper than other types of braces.

This is not recommended for everyone and your suitability will be determined by your dentist.

Your speech may be affected to begin with which also increase salivation at that time. You may find that you have a tendency to drool when speaking. You may experience the brace bracket drubbing on your inner cheek, making it saw, but wax can be used to help this.

It is important to remember that this is a cosmetic type of brace which improves the appearance of your smile but does not address the orthodontic problem, e.g. an overbite.

A retainer will have to be worn for the rest of your life, to prevent your teeth moving back to their original position which can be off-putting for some people.

 5. Teeth whitening 

Tooth whitening is a very effective method of lightening the natural colour of your teeth without removing any of the tooth surfaces. It cannot make a complete colour change, but it may lighten the existing shade.

Teeth can easily look dull or discoloured with age or lifestyle habits. Teeth can be stained on the surface by food and drinks such as tea, coffee, red wine and blackcurrant. Smoking can also stain teeth.

Professional bleaching is the most popular method of tooth whitening. The treatment course can usually be done within two to three weeks. Your dental team will need to make a whitening tray and will take impressions for this at the first appointment. You will use these whitening trays at home (squeezing a bleaching gel into them) and regularly wearing the trays for 30 minutes to one hour at a time.

There is also another whitening technique, called laser whitening or ‘power whitening’. This is carried out at your dental practice, whereby a light or laser is shone on the teeth to activate the bleaching chemical. The colour change can be achieved more quickly using this method. Laser whitening is said to make teeth up to five or six shades lighter.

The cost of treatment will vary from practice to practice and region to region. Laser or power whitening is more expensive than home bleaching.

Your teeth should stay white for up to three years. However, this will vary from person to person. Results will last longer if you do not smoke, or eat or drink products that can stain your teeth.

Some people may experience sensitivity to cold during or after the treatment. Others may have discomfort in the gums, a sore throat or white patches on the gum line. These symptoms are more often experienced temporary and should disappear within a few days of the treatment finishing.

Gum Contouring

A Simple and safe procedure using laser technology to restore confidence in your smile. It treats uneven or excess gums by removing extra gum line. It has a fast healing process after the procedure is done and the results are instant. It can be combined with other cosmetic procedures like porcelain veneers or crowns can help even beautify your smile

Tooth-Coloured Fillings

Another good smile makeover option to replace your old silver and mercury fillings. It is impossible for others to find out whether you have done any dental work. The Filling material exactly matches to your existing teeth colour and is hard to distinguish. It is used to renew the way of decayed teeth looks.

 Botox and fillers

Botox is the UK’s number 1 treatment for Facial lines and Wrinkles. Safe, quick and can be combined with other treatments. It works by relaxing the dynamic muscles that are responsible for facial lines and wrinkles. It is painless and usually takes a few minutes to do.

Fillers are used to fill out or smooth wrinkles, lines or folds on your face that have been created by the loss of Hyaluronic Acid (elasticity) in the skin as you age. By restoring the volume to these areas your skin will look smoother and softer, resulting in a fresher and more youthful appearance.

Perfect Smile Spa based in Hornchurch Essex is a Leading Cosmetic Dentistry practice and is dedicated to PAINLESS dentistry.

Call us for a free consultation on 01708 442 114 or email

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