Saturday, October 7, 2017

Do Floss and Fluoride Prevent Tooth Decay and Gum Disease

Does fluoride work for tooth decay - dentist Brisbane, holistic dentistry
Floss and Fluoride Do They Really Work

I am a great believer in the truth and telling my patients the facts so they can make an informed choice so we understand the biological impact of dentistry on the body and focus on creating health. We do this by removing burdens – burden of infection, burden of toxins or poisons, the burden of bad oral health. We want you to achieve optimum oral health.

You can’t have optimum oral health with a piece of string. Flossing helps but it will only remove the bugs on the surface of your tooth and the superficial layers of your gums – the bugs that cause gum disease are swimming in the fluids deeper down and inside your gums and floss will not remove or affect that. So you have to knock the stuff off the teeth first then flush it out of the gums.

Oral health and Systemic Health

Its not just problems in your mouth, poor oral health creates a build up of harmful bacteria in your gums which also seeds into the rest of the body and impacts on our whole health.

2000 years ago Hippocrates said show me the health of a man’s mouth and I will show you the health of his body.

We are looking inside the body when we are looking inside the mouth – if there is infection there, inflammation, bad breath (from sulphur groups coming out of the broken down tissues) – these things help us to tell you about the health of your body.

The good thing is you can improve upon this by getting rid of the bad bacteria that accumulate in mouth and gums by having a proper dental cleaning where we disinfect the gums first, otherwise we are sending a whole army of bacteria into the bloodstream. It’s important that you learn how to disinfect your mouth at home too.

Systemic Health, Dental Care and Gut Bugs

Systemic health is from the mouth on, the mouth is the start of your digestive track and helps keep the good bacteria healthy to repress the bad bacteria. Many things like your diet, taking antibiotics and even mercury fillings knock out your good oral and gut bacteria. So the key is not to kill the good guys but to encourage them to grown right to ensure the balance of health in your gut by taking proper care of them.

When you gut is inflamed you whole body becomes inflamed leading to chronic pain, brain fogs, immune disorders and chronic fatigue so its really important that we take a look what is going on in the mouth and get this healthy as well as addressing the rest of the body.

Setting Up Good Oral Health

Good oral health starts from childhood – children do not have the manual dexterity to clean their teeth so parents need to take an active role in cleaning their teeth just like you do when you take care of cleaning everything else for your child like when you bathe them or help them after a trip to the toilet. You need to help them do the same for their mouth – if they can’t tie shoelaces on their own they cannot brush their teeth properly yet.

What You Eat and Dental Health

Correct diet is essential to prevent tooth decay, poor diet leads to poor bacteria and therefore increases risk of cavities in your teeth. Eat real food, feed yourself and your kids a good diet, get some vitamin D from being in the sun and get plenty of antioxidants and minerals from your diet and suppress those bad bugs by avoiding sugar.

Fluoride Its Not The Magic Bullet

Fluoride is an unapproved drug and dentistry is promoting it, which I believe is an inapporpriate way for a profession for behave. So what is the driving force behind pushing fluoride – the ADA has seal of approval for it, they are patented so they get a share from it, fluoride is rat poison – it kills whatever it comes into contact with, so lets put happy faces on the toothpastes and pretend its good for you!

Fluoride is a by product form many industrial processes and it leaks out of cement plants, brick plants, and from the phosphate feriliser industry. When fluoride leaks it damages crops and cattle so by law these industries can’t dispose of it and end up with a pile of left over fluoride waste and it is this raw untreated waste goes into the water supply.

Waste called fluoride comes from countries like China, Mexico, and Japan who sell it to us because they have stringent policies around not disposing of it in the water but they are happy to sell it to us so we can use it to support a fake oral health policy!

Half a million tons of fluoride is used in the water supply in the USA and millions of dollars have been spent on promoting it as great so we believe that. But where is the science – there is no statistically significant difference in rates of tooth decay whether the water is fluoridated or not.

Fluoride causes dental fluorosis, poorly developed teeth and hip fractures. There are studies also showing reduction in IQ due to neurological damage from ingesting fluoride. So it’s a fake program – it does not reduce tooth decay, it has also never been tested for safety. Fluoride causes blood levels of lead to increase in the population. This policy is not supporting our health needs or oral health – it promotes disposal of hazardous waste.

What Can A Holistic Dentist Do To Help Health

As a dentist I can’t fix things that bad oral health causes but I can fix the infection and disease in your mouth and support you to prevent it but you need a good medical team working together to address your health symptoms via using the science of the body to figure out what is going on, why and then how to heal it.

For example if you have a thorn in your foot it can’t heal, we have to remove that thorn and help your body to heal.

So we need to remove infection and inflammation from your mouth and the source of it such as tartar build up or an abscessed tooth and get your mouth and body well so you can live a long and healthy life.

After all we are here to Fill Years Not Teeth - contact us today to find out how we can help you have a long, healthy and vital life 07 3720 1811

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