Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Getting to know you: Dr. Monica Urda

Dr. Monica Urda, a general dentist in Chicago, poses with her dog, Brad, at Starved Rock State Park.

Dr. Monica Urda, a general dentist in Chicago, poses with her dog, Brad, at Starved Rock State Park.

Why dentistry?

I fell into dentistry by accident. I was a sophomore in college majoring in biology working in a biochemistry lab. I randomly landed a job working for an oral surgeon. I loved it. I always thought dentistry seemed dull. However, it proved to be the perfect combination of my passion for people and the sciences.

Why are you an ADA member?

The ADA is fundamental component of our profession. With the Internet, patients have access to so much information — some correct, some incorrect. The ADA is the only voice that can cut through the noise. It’s a trusted source for most patients and providers, and it helps keep our profession a trusted one.

What was your first job? 

I was a “deck and slide attendant” at the local pool. It was extraordinarily boring. There was a toddler slide that was isolated on three sides by a tall fake rock wall.  Unfortunately, once sequestered to the usually quiet and serene toddler slide, I would doze off. I would often awake to a small, wet, cold hand shaking my arm to see if they could go down the slide.

What has been the best time of your career so far?

Right now! My office has been open for a little over a year. I am honestly in disbelief how fast it has grown and continues to grow. We work Monday-Saturday, and one Sunday a month. It may seem like a lot of hours, but it’s amazing to be able to work in and on your dream every day. I no longer take naps on the job.

When I’m not practicing, I’m:  

I am out and about exploring the city that I love! My little five-pound dog, Brad, loves to walk miles and miles all over the city.  There is so much to do in Chicago that I tend to do something different almost every week.

One fun fact about me:  

I am proficient in both the Dab and the Nae Nae.

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