Wednesday, May 10, 2017

May is National Physical Fitness and Sports Month

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Did you know? May is National Physical Fitness and Sports Month! So it's an ideal time to get away from the screen and into the green of the beautiful outdoors.

Sports like cycling and soccer are great ways to stay active and healthy. But these and many other outdoor sports do carry a risk of injury — including damage to your teeth. So National Physical Fitness and Sports Month is also a good time to review what to do if you or your child should suffer a knocked-out tooth.

The first thing to find out is whether you are dealing with a baby tooth or a permanent tooth. A baby tooth that's completely knocked out of the mouth can't be saved, but a permanent tooth sometimes can be.


So if it's a permanent tooth that's been knocked out, try to find it, pick it up without touching the root, and rinse it off gently with water. Then carefully place the tooth back in its socket and rush to the dental office. If it's after hours, go to the emergency room.

If it's a baby tooth, don't put the tooth back in the socket. Instead, make your child as comfortable as possible with a cold compress and call the dental office for an appointment. Treatment may be needed to avoid future orthodontic issues. As for the tooth, that can go under your child's pillow. The Tooth Fairy could even up her usual rate, given the circumstances.

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