Thursday, April 27, 2017

Which ceramic CAD/CAM should I use?

Ceramic CAD/CAM materials have become popular among dentists whose patients are looking for a metal-free or more natural-looking material for indirect restorations, but with so many different options, selecting the best one for the job can be challenging, especially for newer dentists.

Flexural strength is an important trait to consider when selecting a ceramic option, and one of the primary factors in a manufacturers’ clinical recommendations, but it doesn’t tell the whole story. All-ceramic CAD/CAM materials differ in composition, material properties, processing methods and clinical indications, all of which work together when determining a material’s best use. For this reason, it is imperative that dentists understand the different classes of ceramic CAD/CAM materials available to them.

The latest issue of the ADA Professional Product Review helps you navigate through the world of CAD/CAM ceramics by exploring five of the most common indirect restorations, the commonly-used traditional materials, and several ceramic CAD/CAM alternatives.


1)    Inlays, Onlays, and Veneers:

Most materials meet the minimum strength requirement for inlays, onlays and veneers. However, adhesive cementation and esthetics are crucial factors to consider when choosing the best material for your patient. Lithium disilicate ceramics (LDS) and resin-ceramic composites (RCC) are often chosen for several reasons: LDS provides better mechanical properties and esthetics, while RCC is easy to fabricate and requires less chair time.

2)    Anterior Single Crowns:

For anterior single crowns, LDS restorations provide an excellent combination of esthetics and strength. They provide better mechanical properties than feldspathic or leucite-reinforced porcelains and improved esthetics compared to the traditional porcelain-fused-to-metal (PFM).

3)    Posterior Single Crowns:

With its high strength and low cost, full-contour zirconia provides an alternative to conventional full-metal crowns and PFMs. As a single layer restoration, it requires less manufacturing time than PFM, but provides less translucency. LDS is preferred for low retention preparations over zirconia because of its improved bonding, and should also be considered for patients whose wide smiles call for a more natural appearance in the molar region.

4)    Anterior Three-Unit Fixed Dental Prostheses (FDP):

The adequate strength and excellent esthetics of LDS make it a good option for anterior three-unit FDPs, while a bi-layered option – such as porcelain-fused-to-zirconia (PFZ) – can be used in situations where strength is more important than esthetics.

5)    Posterior Three-Unit Fixed Dental Prostheses / Multi-Unit:

Strength is a primary requirement in the posterior region. Full-contour zirconia is a high-strength, single-layer restorative material that can be used instead of more conventional metal or PFM options. The bi-layered PFZ also provides adequate strength and esthetics in such situations.

There are a wide variety of materials available for CAD/CAM restorations, each differing in terms of their microstructure, strength, translucency, and clinical indications. While moving away from more traditional materials can be daunting, the benefits of CAD/CAM materials can pay off, and provide you and your patient with more flexibility.

To download a printable ceramics chart, or to learn more on CAD/CAM ceramics, visit

Wednesday, April 26, 2017

ADA 2017: Women in Dentistry Leadership Series

Atlanta — Three motivational speakers will pilot a new leadership series designed for female dental professionals at ADA 2017 – America’s Dental Meeting.

ADA 2017The “Women in Dentistry Leadership Series” consists of three talks on successive days of the ADA annual meeting. CNN commentator and author Mel Robbins, former president of client representation for sports and entertainment agency CSE Molly Fletcher, and Levo Chief Leadership Officer Tiffany Dufu will each give 90-minute talks. Each will be followed by a book-signing session.

Women in Dentistry“One only has to look around at any of our local, state and national organizations to see the tremendous increase in not only women in the dental field, but women advancing to the top spots in leadership in organized dentistry — our own past two ADA presidents included,” said Dr. David J. Fulton, Jr., chair of the ADA Committee on Annual Meetings. “All three speakers will offer attendees wonderful insight and inspiration in leadership.”

  • Thursday, Oct. 19, 2-3:30 p.m. — Former lawyer and now best-selling author Ms. Robbins will present “It Takes 5 Seconds to Change Your Life,” in which she will demystify neuroscience research and the latest social science research to explain how to identify the mistakes they’re making and create lasting change.
  • Friday, Oct. 20, 8:30-10 a.m. — Once hailed as the “female Jerry Maguire” and having negotiated more than $500 million in sports contracts, Ms. Fletcher will present “Winning in a Male-dominated Field,” in which she will seek to empower people to carve out their own paths and find fulfillment without sacrificing personal or professional goals.
  • Saturday, Oct. 21, 8:30-10 a.m. — Ms. Dufu, a launch team member for Lean In (a nonprofit that offers educational resources and programming that encourages female leadership) and a voice in the women’s leadership movement, will present “Drop the Ball: Achieving More by Doing Less.” She will recount how she learned to re-evaluate expectations, shrink her to-do list and meaningfully engage the assistance of others — freeing the space to flourish at work and develop deeper relationships at home.

There are savings for purchasing all three. The cost for the series is $95 per session, or $250 for all three if purchased by Sept. 22. After Sept. 22, the cost increases to $125 per session or $350 for all three. Each session is worth one hour of continuing education credit.

The series is sponsored by Crest + Oral-B.

Complete biographies of the speakers are available at

Registration for ADA 2017 opens May 10. Learn more about the annual meeting at

Tuesday, April 25, 2017

The Importance of Focusing on Flossing With Kids

mother and daughter smiling burg children's dentistry

Flossing. It’s the bane of all the oral health chores we do day-in and day-out. While it’s often overlooked, we are reminded each and every time we go to the dentist as our dentist asks us, “do you floss regularly?” Maybe you’re great at it and can give an answer with confidence. Or maybe you’re like many of us who feel we can do better. It can be hard to remember, but it only takes an extra two minutes out of the day to complete.

I think you can see the value in your own flossing. Now it’s time to turn our attention to helping our kids floss. You can make it fun, and help them establish a foundation for oral health by forming this very necessary habit.

The Importance of Flossing

Flossing is essential to maintaining healthy gums and teeth. Flossing is perhaps even more important than brushing because it removes bacteria that are the precursors of plaque, which if left to fester will turn into tartar that cannot be removed by regular brushing or flossing. Tartar is what eventually causes the damage that leads to decay and tooth.

Make Flossing Fun

We all know it- flossing isn’t the funnest thing in the world, and it feels weird! But we can make it so kids want to floss. Let’s make it fun! Here are a few ideas:

Brush Like a Superhero!

Turns out, when superheroes aren’t out fighting crime and saving lives, they’re at home brushing and flossing. True story! And we have a way for your kids to imitate brushing like a hero. Follow the instructions at the link for awesome superhero cutouts that you can tape to the bathroom mirror. Your kids will have so much fun brushing and flossing!

The Peanut Butter Rubber Gloves Game!

This is an idea from Kool Smiles! It’s an awesome way to teach your kids the value of flossing while showing them an example of how flossing works with peanut butter and rubber gloves.

What you will need:

  • a rubber glove
  • peanut butter
  • a toothbrush
  • floss
  • a friend (you can be that friend!)

This activity is pretty simple.

First, put a rubber glove on (you).

Second, have your child cover the glove in peanut butter, including in between fingers. Make sure to keep your fingers tightly closed together after.

Third, have your child take the toothbrush and brush the peanut putter off the glove. Continue to keep your fingers tight. Your child will notice that it’s hard to get in between the fingers.

Fourth, suggest that they try using the floss run between the fingers to get the extra peanut butter. As they slide the floss down each finger, just like they would when flossing.

As the peanut butter is removed, share with your child that this is just like flossing, and that flossing removes the “peanut butter” between our teeth and keeps our gums and teeth healthy!

We hope you use these activities to help your kids learn why flossing is important! Take the time to teach your kids the value of flossing so they can build this habit for the future.

Click here to schedule an appointment with Burg Children’s Dentistry.

Monday, April 24, 2017

April is also Oral Cancer Awareness Month

oral cancer awareness month

We’ve been celebrating Oral Health Month but there’s an illness we think it’s important to focus on this April - Oral Cancer.

So what signs and symptoms should you be on the lookout for?

If you notice patches on your lips or on the inside of your mouth, if you have a sore on your lips or mouth that doesn’t heal, if you have loose teeth, difficulty swallowing (or pain when swallowing), a lump in your neck, or experience numbness in your lower lip and chin, it’s time to schedule an immediate visit with a health care professional. Two other potential symptoms to be aware of are difficulty wearing your dentures and/or a persistent earache.

Oral cancer can originate anywhere in your mouth and throat and most oral cancers start with flat cells (that form the aforementioned patches) that cover the surface of your mouth, lips, and tongue.

People who use tobacco, consume alcohol heavily and have been infected with HPV, or have a personal history of oral cancer have a higher risk of developing oral cancer. Other risk factors include sun exposure, diet, and betel nut use.

Just like with all cancers, the key to survival is catching it as soon as possible. This is why it’s vitally important to visit both your dentist and your doctor on a regular basis and to stay on top of your check ups.

If you want to learn more, visit the Oral Cancer Foundation’s Website here:

Negotiating on your own terms: What new grads need to know about contracts – Part 1

Editor’s note: This blog post, republished with permission, originally appeared in IgniteDDS on Jan. 25, 2017.

There it is.

A block of legal jargon, intimidation at its finest, sitting there adorning your desk, looking you smack dab in the eye.

Hello 27 pages of traps and worry and signing over my life. Nice to meet you.

Dr. Singh

Dr. Singh

That is what signing my first dental contract felt like. I sat there thinking “I can prep a Class II like a boss. I even mastered the misery of the art of dentures. But no one told me that I needed an MBA and then a law degree to finally be a dentist! We never learned this!”

And then along came hours of research and asking mentors and some painstaking work and I finally had an idea of what I was getting into… just enough to get into trouble… deep, deep trouble. I was scared. I did not know what to do. And then I found Chuck.

There he was, Chuck Mastin of Mastin Bergstrom LLC, standing in front of a study club for the Colorado Dental Association’s New Dentist Committee, giving away information on contracts. Breaks were punctuated with whispers all around the room about how fantastic he was. Every single NDC board member was giving him a gold star review to anyone that would listen. To this date I cannot mention Chuck’s name in any dental setting without getting an enthusiastic “Chuck Mastin is the BEST!” in return. I heartily concur.

THANK GOODNESS FOR CHUCK. At a time when I was concerned about signing on the wrong dotted line, Chuck swooped in and helped me navigate a dental contract, helped me understand the implications of what I was signing, helped me gauge what was fair, and helped me negotiate that which was not.

So today I am going to talk about the key components of dental contracts and give you some advice. And my first piece of advice: LET THE PROFESSIONALS DO THEIR JOB. Find a professional, sit down with them, and let them help you. You have to have a foundation (this is where this blog comes in) but then, you need someone who does this for a living to help you navigate the details. This will be worth every single penny! Check out the ADA resource, Dentist Employment Agreements: A Guide to Key Legal Provisions, here.

Dental contracts and their pieces and parts:

1. Money, money, money

Typically an associate will be getting paid one of three ways: A flat hourly or daily amount (this can also be presented as a monthly salary); a percent of some variation of production; or a daily guarantee (with the ability to product more).

Flat Compensation

Flat rates are usually the easiest to navigate. This is familiar territory. You have most likely done this before. The things to be concerned with here include:

  • Ensuring that they will not be overworking you (typically places which pay you in this manner have a volume based practice and they are doing this because they know it will be worth it for them) and
  • Are there any protections for you if there are not enough patients? (Do you get sent home for the day with a mandatory unpaid day off?)

Daily Guarantee

Daily or monthly guarantees are a little more complex. Typically a daily guarantee drops to $0 after 3-6 months. This arrangement is intended for you to take the first 3-6 months in a practice, build rapport, learn the ropes and ramp your production up. Some things to consider:

  • Is the daily guarantee a true guarantee or a “draw?” – If it is a true guarantee, you will be paid this money and it is yours to keep. If it is a “draw,” you will be expected to pay back the guaranteed money (or it will be cut from a second paycheck) if you do not produce enough to “earn” it. Big difference.
  • If you are “lucky” enough to find a position where the daily guarantee never goes to $0, buyer beware! – My first job out of school I worked for a company where my daily guarantee dropped by about $2000 after the first 6 months but never went away completely. I was elated! A protective safety net for life?! This was music to my Type A, risk aversion ears. Well, it turns out that due to very low reimbursement rate insurance contracts (HMOs, capitation, etc), it was almost impossible for me to produce enough to earn more than my guarantee. I was then stuck in a very low paying job, working very hard and not earning a representative amount. If you find yourself in a similar situation, just know, there is usually a reason. Find out why.
  • If you do not have a daily guarantee, you may be able to negotiate one in. A guarantee is a protection for you. It helps to ensure that the owning entity will fill your schedule and give you an opportunity to produce. It can also provide some financial stability while you get acclimated to your surroundings.

Percent of Production

Percentage of production is, by far, the most common method of getting paid and goes hand in hand with daily guarantees. Every time you have a daily guarantee, you will also have an opportunity to exceed it by producing more. Some considerations here:

  • A percentage of what? Okay, I lied. “Already, Amisha?” you ask. Yes, I already lied to you. Percentage of productions really doesn’t exist. Some definitions for you to understand before we delve deeper to explain this:
  • Productions = Gross Productions: What a dentist produces as based on their UCR (usual, customary, and reasonable fees). The sum value of all dentistry done. The sticker price, if you will. What I did not know as a new graduate: NO ONE pays UCR. If a patient has insurance, even if their insurance pays nothing, they get an automatic discount for having insurance (Confusing? I have a future blog coming up on insurances… Subscribe so you do not miss it). From UCR, we must deduct money which our contracts with insurances discount. From then, we must write off the people who do not pay and therefore go to collections.
  • Net production: Gross production minus adjustments and insurance writeoffs. A percent of adjusted net productions is what you will most likely get paid off of.
  • What percent? 30 percent of adjusted net productions is a pretty standard average. I have seen as low as 25 percent and as high as 35 percent around the nation. These numbers are all realistic expectations.

Dr. Amisha Singh is a Denver native and loves living in beautiful Colorado. While in dental school, she was the founder of the first diversity oriented, nationally based organization in the school and she currently is a member of the ADA, CDA, and MSCD and serves on the CDA New Dentist Committee as Social Chair. She is also a blogger, writer and speaker who works with IgniteDDS and Ignite DA to inspire other dental professionals and provide them resources to be the best clinicians possible. She is the AVID Healthcare Liaison for Denver Public Schools and teaches a success series integrated into the curriculum of underprivileged middle school youth to aspire them to careers in healthcare. She is also a founder/ board member for Colorado’s first South Asian Chamber of Commerce. Her passion is encouraging entrepreneurial spirit, inspiring others and she wants to dedicate her life to helping make dentists be better, healthier, more empowered people.  When not practicing dentistry she loves to get lost in a good book, cook, and do all things creative.

Part 3: What Defines a Successful Practice?

This is the third blog post in this series. (If you missed the first two, go back and read them; I will see you in a couple of minutes.)  OK, we have been talking about success. In the first blog post in this series, I talked about my opinion of what success means: being happy in your job. I don’t equate success with money. Although, I think if you love your job and are happy, you are going to

Friday, April 21, 2017

Finding Your Family’s Pediatric Dentist in Charlotte

Relocating to a new area means a lot of changes for you and your children – establishing new schools, doctors, extracurricular activities, dentists – the list goes on.

Many questions will arise. How do I choose a reliable dental home for my children? Will they connect with the new pediatric dentist? How do you know if they are actually good with kids? How soon will you know if you’ve made the right (or wrong) decision? These are all valid concerns and you should absolutely be choosy about who cares for your children.

woman reviewing paperwork while on phone

While we aren’t able to say exactly when you will be able to make a general assessment of your doctors and dentists, we can say that you can make your decision with more confidence with some help and guidance from local resources. Let us help you make the selection process simpler with some suggestions.

Turn to social media

When you haven’t had a chance to do more than introduce yourself to your new neighbors, turn to online reviews to help guide you. If a pediatric dentist has a positive online presence, chances are they have built a lot of trust within their community! Pediatric dentist reviews can be found on Google, Facebook, Yelp, Healthgrades, and even their own individual websites. You can even make a post on your own page asking for suggestions and have your friends tag their pediatric dentist so you can easily access their page.

woman on phone

Don’t be afraid to ask other parents

As you get to know your children’s new school, get to know the parents, too. Chances are you will be pleasantly surprised at the feedback you receive from other parents. Give yourself the opportunity to ask for suggestions of all kinds – grocery stores, family doctors, pediatric dentists, kids’ sports teams, parks, arts programs for kids, etc. At some point all parents were in your shoes and probably reached out for suggestions, so don’t be afraid to ask!

woman smiling

Look for the human aspect

When choosing a pediatric dentist you typically expect them to be skilled with children and have a high level of education. Those are obviously important qualities. We encourage you to look beyond the degrees and outside influences and look for information about them as an individual. Kids like to be able to relate to their clinicians. Do they have values that align with yours? How do they talk about their experiences with kids? What do they do in their own lives? Are they personable?

Frienfly dentist with patient

Browse Dentist Websites

Browsing the websites of your prospective choices is a great way to analyze who you believe to be the best fit for your family. Look for active and helpful blog articles, answers to important questions, information/photos pertaining to staff and office locations, testimonials, and anything else you deem to be valuable information.

These guidelines are meant to help you in the process of evaluating and establishing a dental home for your child. There may be other factors that are unique to the needs of your family. If you have any questions that we have not addressed in the blog, feel free to contact us for help.

The post Finding Your Family’s Pediatric Dentist in Charlotte appeared first on Charlotte Pediatric Dentistry - The best Pediatric Dentist in Charlotte, Davidson, Gastonia and UNCC area..

5 Dental Spring Cleaning Tips For Your Child’s Smile

Spring is officially here! The grass is greener, flowers are emerging, and the days are sunnier and longer. Traditionally, people love to spring clean their homes. Opening the windows and ridding your house of dust after a long winter is one of the best feelings!

Your child’s dental health needs a refresh in the springtime, just like your home, car, and closet. Though we emphasize establishing good dental health habits year-round, there are some things that are best to revisit after cold and flu season has passed. Here are five helpful tips to revive and refresh your little one’s smile this season:

Change Toothbrushes

If you bought a really neat toothbrush for your kids during Christmas, we applaud you! Now it’s time for a new one, even if it’s just a newer version of what your child was using. Some kids’ motivation to brush comes from their super-cool toothbrush. If that’s the case for your child, just toss the old one and replace it with the exact same one (if available). If you are using an electric toothbrush, 3-4 months is the recommended replacement time for the replaceable heads. Have they been sick? Cold or flu? If you forgot to replace you or your child’s toothbrush right after being ill, now is the time to throw it away and start fresh. The longer you wait, the longer the germs linger and provide a chance to re-infect your child.

Clean mouth guards

Spring sports are in full swing again, which means it’s time to pull the mouth guards out of the bathroom drawer where they lived all winter. Spring cleaning is a great time to soak your cases and give them a good scrub to clear debris and bacteria. The American Dental Association suggests cleaning a mouth guard by brushing it with a toothbrush and toothpaste regularly to remove any built up debris, then rinsing it thoroughly with warm, soapy water.

Ditch the sports drinks

When it comes to hydration during spring sports, water is best. Sports drinks have an excessive amount of sugar that contributes to many cases of tooth decay in kids. Like with any sugary food or drink, sports drinks are fine in moderation. Consider adding water to a sports drink and only giving sporadically.

Reinforce the importance of flossing

If you don’t already have a daily flossing schedule for your child, now is a great time to add it to the routine. “Sugar bugs” hide in between the teeth as well as the surface, which can cause cavities in between the teeth. Flossing is also stimulating for the gums and helps keep them healthy by ridding teeth of buildup where your toothbrush cannot reach.

Last but not least, make a spring dental appointment

Ensure your child is on a regular cleaning schedule! The single most important factor to consider in your spring cleaning routine is to schedule your next dental appointment, which is why we saved it for last! Regular visits are the key to early detection of any issues, as well as maintaining your child’s oral health. New to the area or need to establish a pediatric dentist for your child? We are here to help! Contact us today at (704) 377-3687 to get your child’s smile sparkling clean for spring.

The post 5 Dental Spring Cleaning Tips For Your Child’s Smile appeared first on Charlotte Pediatric Dentistry - The best Pediatric Dentist in Charlotte, Davidson, Gastonia and UNCC area..

Meet Dr. Kim Blanding

Credentials, experience, and associations are extremely important aspects to look for in a pediatric dentist. What makes one stand out from the other? WHO they are. Our Doctor Spotlight series allows our tiny patients and parents to get a glimpse into the doctor’s lives. In this article we are featuring Dr. Kim Blanding. Come get to know us!

Dr. Blanding graduated from the University of Detroit in Michigan with a BA in Chemistry before going on to earn a dental degree from Northwestern University in Chicago. She received her Certificate of Pediatric Dentistry from New York’s Columbia University School of Dental Surgery. She knew she wanted to be a pioneering woman in the field of pediatric dentistry and continues to help children receive great dental care through organizations like Give Kids a Smile and NC Missions of Mercy.

Meet Dr. Kim Blanding of Charlotte Pediatric Dentistry

Why did you decide to focus on pediatric dentistry rather than general dentistry?
I had a great example from my dental school professor about how cool it could be to treat children. It all started with an outreach program on Saturday mornings in Chicago!
Meet Dr. Kim Blanding of Charlotte Pediatric Dentistry
Do you have kids?
My family includes Kai, Malia, Ryan, and Noah – 2 girls and 2 boys all ranging from ages 23 through 14.

Meet Dr. Kim Blanding of Charlotte Pediatric Dentistry
What are some of your “tricks” to help ease kids’ fears about their dental visits?
Talk about something they LOVE!
Meet Dr. Kim Blanding of Charlotte Pediatric Dentistry
What’s the best part of your day?
Heading to my bed at the end of the day and sleeping.

What’s your favorite kids’ show?
Scooby Doo!
Meet Dr. Kim Blanding of Charlotte Pediatric Dentistry
What’s your favorite color?

Do you have a sweet tooth? If so, what’s your favorite sweet?
I tend to stay away from sweets as much as possible, but I do like Key Lime pie and dark chocolate covered almonds.

Have you always wanted to be a dentist? If not, what did you want to be as a kid?
I knew I wanted to be a dentist as soon as I looked in a career book and noticed only 2% of women were in the field of dentistry at that time. I could have a family and still work, too!
Meet Dr. Kim Blanding of Charlotte Pediatric Dentistry
Do you have a role model or a mentor? Why do you look up to them?
I don’t have a mentor or role model, however, the values and the demonstration of unconditional love and respect for one another that my parents share give me the motivation to be like them. They are going on 54 years of marriage.

What is your favorite sports team?
I don’t have a favorite sports team, but I do cheer for the local teams!

Finish this sentence: When I was a kid…
My twin brother and I would wake up, pack our lunches, and go exploring in the woods together!

The post Meet Dr. Kim Blanding appeared first on Charlotte Pediatric Dentistry - The best Pediatric Dentist in Charlotte, Davidson, Gastonia and UNCC area..

Meet Dr. Cecilia Hwang

Credentials, experience, and associations are extremely important aspects to look for in a pediatric dentist. What makes one stand out from the other? WHO they are. Our Doctor Spotlight series allows our tiny patients and parents to get a glimpse into the doctor’s lives. This month meet Dr. Cecilia Hwang. Come get to know us!

Dr. Cecilia Hwang attended the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (UNC) receiving her Doctor of Dental Surgery degree with distinction. As a Diplomate of the American Board of Pediatric Dentistry, she is also a member of the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry and many others. Her own fears of the dentist as a child lead her to choose a career in pediatric dentistry.

Meet Dr. Cecilia Hwang

Why did you decide to focus on pediatric dentistry rather than general dentistry?

I always knew I wanted to focus on one area of dentistry. In dental school, I found pediatric dentistry to be the most fun and rewarding. Dentistry can be such a serious profession, but I could be my silly self in pediatric dentistry. After choosing to do all my extramural rotations in pediatrics, including a month at the National Children’s Hospital in D.C., I knew I had chosen the right career path. There is never a dull moment when you are working with children.

Dr Cecilia Hwang and team

Do you have kids?

My husband and I have two wonderful boys, Evan (age 7) and Owen (age 4). Evan is into all things science and robotics. He is my problem and puzzle solver. Evan can solve the Rubik’s cube in under one minute! Owen is my sweet one. He is full of hugs and kisses for me every day. He is also my fun-loving crazy child.

Dr Cecilia Hwang family

What are some of your “tricks” to help ease kids’ fears about their dental visits?

Distraction! Children love stories, especially when they are made up with crazy details. Just today, I gave a little girl a Shopkins tooth (a filling) that “glows in the dark” because hers had “sugar bugs” on them. In pediatric dentistry, it’s all about explaining things in terms that kids can relate to, even if they make no sense to grown ups.

Dr Cecilia Hwang quote

What’s the best part of your day?

The best part of my day is also the craziest part of my day. It is that hour between getting home and eating dinner when I am cooking dinner/helping with homework/packing lunches for the next day all while looking for the missing Lego pieces. I love making special lunches for the boys that are both nutritious and cute. It’s a time where I can unleash my creative and artsy side.

Dr Cecilia Hwang at Charlotte Pediatric Dentistry

What’s your favorite kids’ show?

There are too many to list. I prefer the ones that teach children something rather than nonsense and silliness. Special Agent Oso, Super Why and Daniel Tiger’s Neighborhood are regulars at our house. Can you tell I have a preschooler? My nerdy side loves The Magic School Bus and Popular Mechanics for Kids.

What’s your favorite color?

Lilac – which also happens to be the color of dentistry.

Do you have a sweet tooth? If so, what’s your favorite sweet?

I am not much of a sweets lover. For special occasions, I love a good cake. Our family also enjoys homemade smoothies and bubble teas.

Dr Cecilia Hwang and family

Have you always wanted to be a dentist? If not, what did you want to be as a kid?

Yes. When I was very little I wanted to be a teacher, but I’ve wanted a career in dentistry since I was 13 or so.

Do you have a role model or a mentor? Why do you look up to them?

“Women are weak but mothers are strong.” – Julie Otsuka
My mother is my role model in so many ways. I look up to my mother for her dependable work ethic, patience and unconditional love for her children. There have been many hardships in her life, but she always comes out stronger because she is a mother. I would be lost in life without her.

Dr Cecilia Hwang spotlight

What is your favorite sports team?

I always root for the home teams – the Tar Heels, Panthers and Hornets. Other than that, I don’t really watch sports.

Finish this sentence: When I was a kid______.

When I was a kid, I cried myself to sleep at my first sleep away camp. It was a school trip, and someone took a photo of me. Unfortunately, the photo made it to the yearbook. It still comes up as one of the main conversation topics at family dinners. I would love to share the photo, but the yearbook has been “misplaced.”

Dr Cecilia Hwang of Charlotte Pediatric Dentistry

The post Meet Dr. Cecilia Hwang appeared first on Charlotte Pediatric Dentistry - The best Pediatric Dentist in Charlotte, Davidson, Gastonia and UNCC area..

4 Ways To Keep Your Kid’s Tooth Enamel Strong

Enamel is both a thin covering on teeth and the hardest tissue in the human body. It acts as armor against plaque and cavities. While there are many foods and habits that break down enamel, there are also things to protect it and keep it strong.

Follow these 4 steps to help keep tooth enamel strong for a healthier, happier smile!

1. Limit Sugary Foods and Drinks.
Bacteria forms out of sugars from foods and drinks dissolving the outer surface of tooth enamel. Add candies, cookies, sodas and sweets alike to the special occasion only list. Highly acidic snacks and drinks are also foods to eat in small doses. This doesn’t mean you have to completely restrict these items from kids. Teach them to rinse with tap water after eating sweets to reduce the chance of bacteria forming.

Limit sugary foods and drinks

2. Eat Foods That Protect Enamel

Not all foods and drinks are damaging to enamel. Calcium-rich foods like yogurt or cheese actually protect the enamel and promote healthy teeth. Some other enamel strengtheners include kiwi, snap peas and sugarless chewing gum. Switching to these types of snacks are good for their overall health as well.

Eat foods that protect enamel

3. Avoid Over-Brushing

While it’s very important to brush and floss regularly, be sure to not over-brush the teeth. Follow these steps on how to brush children’s teeth. Make sure to use a soft-bristled toothbrush in a back-and-forth gentle motion with short strokes. Take the time to teach your children to adopt the habit of brushing while also showing them proper technique. There are videos online to help show your kids what proper brushing looks like, as well. It might be a frustrating and lengthy process at first, but the earlier you start teaching your kids how to brush, the more likely they will keep good oral health habits.

Avoid over brushing

4. Rinse after Meals

Rinsing after each meal helps remove leftover food particles. This month, in celebration of National Children’s Dental Health Month, choose tap water to rinse teeth for a sparkling smile. Plain water is the best option for kids’ beverages.

Rinse after meals

Bonus Tip: Visit Our Office

Want to learn more ways to keep kids’ teeth strong, healthy and bright? Book your child’s dental check up and talk directly with our loving staff and experienced doctors for one-on-one answers! We’ll be happy to answer any of your, or their, questions, explain brushing technique, talk with them about food selection, and encourage them to polish their smiles!

Come smile with us

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Meet Dr. Carrie Dunlap

Credentials, experience, and associations are extremely important aspects to look for in a pediatric dentist. What makes one stand out from the other? WHO they are. Our Doctor Spotlight series allows our tiny patients and parents to get a glimpse into the doctors’ lives. Come get to know us!

Meet Dr. Carrie Dunlap

Dr. Dunlap received her Doctor of Dental Surgery in 2004 from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Fueling her passion for pediatric dentistry, she participated in extramural rotations at the Oral Surgery Department at UNC and the Pediatric Dental Clinics of Cumberland and Orange counties. Being a mother of three children, Dr. Dunlap treats children with patience, compassion, and the same care as if each one is her own.

Why did you decide to focus on pediatric dentistry rather than general dentistry?

I practiced for two years in a general dental practice before joining Charlotte Pediatric Dentistry in 2006. Throughout those two years, I realized that I was called to work with children. Children have always held a special place in my heart. I started babysitting around age 12 and enjoyed being around children. Kids are so full of life, humor, and joy. I can relate to them on many levels and feel so comfortable around kids of all ages.

Carrie Dunlap Spotlight

Do you have kids?

I am the proud parent of 3 children. My son Carson is 13. I also have a 12-year-old daughter, Caroline, and a 7-year-old daughter, Campbell. Carson loves all sports, especially baseball, football, and basketball. Caroline loves to dance competitively and play basketball. Campbell enjoys drawing, dance, and playing with her friends.

Meet Dr Carrie Dunlap

What are some of your “tricks” to help ease kids’ fears about their dental visits?

I talk to kids in a way that they will understand and that makes them feel comfortable. Kids want to know what is going on when they are in the dental chair. I explain things to them step-by-step while I am completing a procedure. I find out each child’s unique interest and go from there. If they like a certain princess like Elsa, then they get an “Elsa tooth” that day. The toothbrush “races” on their teeth, like Lightning McQueen, to make it shiny. If they’re a Batman fan, they get a “Batman tooth.”

When giving local anesthetic, I tell them we are using “sleepy juice” to put their tooth to sleep, and they may even hear their tooth “snore.” If I need a longer distraction, I tell the story of Pete the Cat. It’s a fantastic children’s book where Pete’s shoes change color depending on what he steps in. I tell the child what Pete stepped in and they will guess what color his shoes turned.

Carrie Dunlap at Charlotte Pediatric Dentistry

What’s the best part of your day?

The best part of my day is putting my youngest child Campbell to bed. We do a page out of a seek-and-find book and read. I used to read to her, but now she is reading to me! Campbell is a talker and when I’m putting her to bed, she tells me all about her day.

What’s your favorite kids’ show?

My favorite cartoon is Tom and Jerry. I like that it is a calm and quiet show. It’s not really a kids’ show, but my girls and I like to watch Cupcake Wars. We love to bake and it’s neat to see all the cool things they make on that show.

What’s your favorite color?

Probably Carolina blue for obvious reasons or aqua and teal because they remind me of a tropical ocean.

Do you have a sweet tooth? If so, what’s your favorite sweet?

I love sweets a bit too much! My absolute favorite sweet treat is a really good birthday cake. It must be really good to be worth the splurge. My husband has learned the difference between good cake and bad cake. The icing is my favorite!

Dr Carrie Dunlap

Have you always wanted to be a dentist? If not, what did you want to be as a kid?

I always knew I would likely do something in the medical field. I always loved biology, math, and health. My first real job was in a dental office when I was only 14. I worked there from age 14 through college. This job provided me the opportunity to learn all aspects of a dental office. I knew it would take hard work to obtain the goal, but this experience helped me to see the light at the end of the tunnel. I enjoyed developing relationships with patients through the years while working in the practice and saw the positive impact I could have on people.

Do you have a role model or a mentor? Why do you look up to them?

Many people have helped shape me into the person I am today. The most influential has been my parents and my sister. My parents constantly sacrificed to provide me with many opportunities. They taught me to have a strong work ethic and to believe in myself. With these two things, any goal I have can be accomplished. They taught me to put God first in all I do and the rest will fall into place. My sister is someone I will always look up to. She is a wonderful mother to three girls and has so much wisdom to offer. She is an encourager to everyone around her and has such a gentle spirit.

As far as my mentor in dentistry, I may not have ended up in the dental profession if it weren’t for Dean Clodfelter, DMD, who gave me my first job in a dental office. He allowed me to work at the young age of 14 in his practice and gave me the opportunity to really understand what being a dentist involved.

What is your favorite sports team?

My favorite sports teams are any team my kids play on. Those are my most favorite games to watch. Our family also enjoys going to the Carolina Panther games. We have many fond memories from those games.

Meet Carrie Dunlap

Finish this sentence: When I was a kid… my dad would grow corn to give me and my sister a summer job. After the corn was fully grown, my sister and I would have to wake up at 5:00 am to pick the corn. Then, we would sit by the side of the road to sell it. We got to keep the money we made. It was in the heat of the summer, and at the time, I didn’t enjoy it. Looking back, I realize the lesson of the value of hard work that it taught me.

The post Meet Dr. Carrie Dunlap appeared first on Charlotte Pediatric Dentistry - The best Pediatric Dentist in Charlotte, Davidson, Gastonia and UNCC area..

Meet Dr. Logan Webb

Credentials, experience, and associations are extremely important aspects to look for in a pediatric dentist. What makes one stand out from the other? WHO they are. Our Doctor Spotlight series allows our tiny patients and their parents to get a glimpse into our doctors’ lives. Come get to know us!

Dr. Logan Webb of Charlotte Pediatric Dentistry

Come get to know Dr. Logan Webb!

A native of Charlotte, Dr. Webb completed her undergraduate education at Wake Forest University in 2008. She attended the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill for her Doctor of Dental Surgery degree. Dr. Webb went on to complete her training in the specialty of Pediatric Dentistry at the Medical University of South Carolina in June 2014, where she served as chief resident during her final year of residency. She loves traveling and spending time with her family and friends.

Why did you decide to focus on pediatric dentistry rather than general dentistry?

I had the awesome opportunity to treat kids while in dental school and it just seemed to fit. I always loved seeing their upbeat personalities in the dental chair and strived to make their dental visits a fun experience. Now, I can’t imagine any other job!

Dr. Logan Webb with patient

Do you have kids?

Not at this time, but my husband of one year is a kid at heart!

Dr. Logan Webb wedding shot

What are some of your “tricks” to help ease kids’ fears about their dental visits?

I always try to explain dental procedures to kids in a way that I think they will understand it best. It helps to ease their minds and prevent any unnecessary worrying.

What’s the best part of your day?

Seeing a happy, smiling patient leave our office after a great visit, excited to come back next time

What’s your favorite kids’ show?

My favorite kids movie is Ice Age. It’s very funny!

Dr. Webb loves the movie Ice Age.

What’s your favorite color?

My favorite color is green!

Do you have a sweet tooth? If so, what’s your favorite sweet?

Oh yes! My favorite sweet is S’mores (or anything with marshmallows)!

Have you always wanted to be a dentist? If not, what did you want to be as a kid?

I grew up in a dental family, so I like to think that I inherited it!

Dr. Logan Webb quote

Do you have a role model or a mentor? Why do you look up to them?

My biggest role model is my grandmother. She has been a constant source of encouragement and inspiration throughout my life.

Dr. Webb loves Panthers and Wake Forest

What is your favorite sports team?

Panthers all the way! And all Wake Forest sports, of course!

Finish this sentence: When I was a kid… I was a ballet dancer. I performed in the Nutcracker every year starting at a young age and all the way through high school.

Dr. Webb quote

The post Meet Dr. Logan Webb appeared first on Charlotte Pediatric Dentistry - The best Pediatric Dentist in Charlotte, Davidson, Gastonia and UNCC area..

Floss is Boss

As a parent, you know how important brushing is when caring for your children’s teeth (starting after the first tooth is in). What may not be on your radar, but is just as important, is flossing. By around age 2, you should be flossing your child’s teeth daily.

One of the most common dental issues we see in our patients, aged 5-11, is gum disease. Regular flossing is one way to help combat the onset of gum disease. While this all might make sense, the next question that enters parents’ minds is “How do I get my kid to floss?” We have a few suggestions that may be of help.

Plaque is Wack. Don't let it attack.

  • Track their progress. Kids love to see how they are doing with a visual guide (even better if there is some type of reward associated with achievement). For each day they floss, you can mark the calendar with a sticker.
  • Sing it out. Try singing a fun song with your child. “Floss, floss, floss your teeth. Every single day. Gently, gently, gently, gently, Whisking plaque away.”
  • Equip them with fun flossing gear. There are several types of colorful flossing sticks that may appeal to your child. While these won’t get the entire job done, it gives kids some ownership (and color!) in the process. Letting them work on a few of the front teeth to see what it looks like will likely make it easier for you to finish out the job. Be sure to double-check their work, as well as floss the hard-to-reach teeth in the back. For the best results, make sure you are using real floss, not the sticks.
  • Show and tell. One of the ways kids learn is by watching their parents. Show them, in your own daily routine, that flossing is important by setting aside time each day to do so. Bonus: your own oral health will improve as well!
  • Use legos and playdough. For the younger kids, showing them the importance of flossing on dolls or toys can be a great teaching tool. One mom took it a step further and used legos and playdough!

Although it’s vital to start teaching your children the importance of flossing at a young age, they likely won’t be able to do the task solo until they are around 10 years old.

Teaching kids good flossing habits is critical.

When you come into our office, we will talk with your kids about each step of what we’re doing to care for their teeth (and, of course, flossing is one of those steps!). Reinforcing those concepts at home will help ensure your child has good oral health throughout adolescence and into adulthood.

The post Floss is Boss appeared first on Charlotte Pediatric Dentistry - The best Pediatric Dentist in Charlotte, Davidson, Gastonia and UNCC area..

Meet Dr. David Moore

Credentials, experience, and associations are extremely important aspects to look for in a pediatric dentist. What makes one stand out from the other? WHO they are. Our Doctor Spotlight series allows our tiny patients and their parents to get a glimpse into the doctors’ lives. Come get to know us!

Dr David Moore - Charlotte's best pediatric dentist

Dr. Moore is our wonderful leader and the owner of Charlotte Pediatric Dentistry. For over 25 years, he has passionately promoted healthy lifestyles of children and their families while partnering with the community for pediatric smiles. He believes in providing optimum dental care for infants, children, adolescents, and persons with special healthcare needs. Committed to giving back, Dr. Moore established the Moore Family Fund to support pediatric dentists in training.

Why did you decide to focus on pediatric dentistry rather than general dentistry?

Within the first 2 weeks of dental school, I used to go on runs with Dr. Bill Vann and his group. At the time, Bill was an associate professor in the Department of Pediatric Dentistry. Outside of this active relationship, he invited me to assist him and others on a research project involving a new dental material for children, and I accepted the offer.

Dr David Moore quote

Over the next 4 years, I was able to treat hundreds of children in the school’s research center and through extramural rotations at the Department of Pediatric Dentistry. I fell in love with the challenges and the results. I realized that a pediatric dentist could have a profound effect on a child’s outlook of their world, whereas in my perspective, an “adult dentist” was generally focused on providing a service.

The net result of my exposure to these children was that I knew I wanted to continue this course of work. With the continued support and guidance from Dr. Vann and others at the UNC School of Dentistry, I pursued a residency in pediatric dentistry at The Ohio State University and Columbus Children’s Hospital to work with Dr. Dennis McTigue. The rest, as they say, is history!

Dr. Moore's family

Do you have kids?

Yes, five! I’m so grateful to have a wonderful partner, my wife Michelle, in the parenting gig.

Kayla is 21, a senior at UNC-Chapel Hill, and majoring in Biology. To our excitement, she was recently accepted to dental school, and at this time, she plans to become a pediatric dentist. Perhaps in 7 years, she’ll be a social media feature for the practice too! Kayla developed a love of running this past year and competes in local and regional running races.

Kenzie is 19 and a freshman at the University of South Carolina, where she is part of the Alpha Delta Pi sorority and is majoring in molecular biology. Kenzie uses her natural artistic talents in the office by occasionally dressing as the Tooth Fairy and painting fun faces for the kids!

Ryan Alexa is a junior at Cherry Creek HS in Denver. She is active in her school in various clubs and sports. Ryan moved to Colorado with her mother when she was one and has been skiing since she was 3. We’re all very interested in her college choices and hope to see her closer to Charlotte!

Dr. David H Moore Pediatric Dentist

Caroline is a sophomore at Myers Park High School in Charlotte and recently signed to a national contract with Next Modeling Agency. She’s currently featured on Kohl’s website for Juniors Sleepwear!

Michael is our only son and is an 8th grader at Alexander Graham Middle School. His interests gravitate to drama and computer games. He also plans to participate in spring track again for his school. Michael has played the role of Super Tooth for various practice functions and has gone head-to-head with such notable mascots as the Gastonia Grizzlies’ “Chisle” and the Chick-Fil-A cow!

What are some of your “tricks” to help ease kids’ fears about their dental visits?

I think the first trick that I was taught continues to be the most effective and that is to Tell, Show, Do. Through it, we are guiding and teaching the child how to experience dentistry in a very supportive environment. Today, we have movies playing on screens above the dental chairs and headphones with the movie’s sound playing in the patient’s ears. This combination serves to distract the children and reduces the sounds that can potentially be frightening to them.

Dr Moore with happy children

What’s the best part of your day?

When I get to talk with kids who have been in the practice for years or parents who have a long time history with the practice or, as it now becomes more common, I see the children of children that are former patients.

What’s your favorite kid’s show?

We have movies and shows playing in all our offices all the time, BUT my staff never lets me watch any of them! So I really can’t claim a favorite. However, I do have a favorite kid’s holiday show and that’s “Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer.” As you might suspect, it is all because of Herbie, the elf who aspires to be a dentist and is the real hero of the show!

What’s your favorite color?

Royal Blue

Do you have a sweet tooth? If so, what’s your favorite sweet?

I really don’t have a sweet tooth. I’m more inclined to salt than sugar but when I do look for something sweet, it is often dark chocolate!

Dr David Moore and the team at Charlotte pediatric dentistry

Have you always wanted to be a dentist? If not, what did you want to be as a kid?

Oh no! I really didn’t have such a positive experience as a child that would propel me to see dentistry as a career. Rather, I was certain that I would be an attorney. So much for that certainty!

Do you have a role model or a mentor? Why do you look up to them?

Yes. Dr. Bill Vann at the UNC School of Dentistry was the first pediatric dentist that I really knew, and he introduced me to his world of practice and research. Later, Dr. Dennis McTigue, who was the program director of pediatric dentistry at The Ohio State University, exposed me to hospital dentistry and children with special healthcare needs. These men are great educators and leaders and are equally passionate about our profession.

Over their careers, both served as president of the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry and on countless national advisory committees that determined policies and procedures for our profession. Today, they both are officially retired but continue to offer time to teach young residents at their respective schools.

Dr David Moore and team

What is your favorite sports team?

Carolina Panthers! However, I would call it a love/hate relationship over the years because I’ve been unsuccessful at not letting their success, or lack of it, affect my Monday mood!

Finish this sentence: When I was a kid…I would play outside as long as I could and would dream of life outside the neighborhood.
Dr Moore shows his Carolina Panther pride.

The post Meet Dr. David Moore appeared first on Charlotte Pediatric Dentistry - The best Pediatric Dentist in Charlotte, Davidson, Gastonia and UNCC area..