Wednesday, February 15, 2017

What’s on your dental bucket list?

PhotoGrid_1486311595518_copyTravel to all seven continents? Run with the bulls in Spain? See the new wonders of the world? Bucket lists can help us keep track of the loftiest of goals and inspire us to make the most of our experiences.

For the past two years, I have had the opportunity to make some headway on my “dental bucket list”. Here are three of my top items:

Be featured as a dentist in someone’s drawing

drawingAs a pre-dental student, I remember volunteering at an elementary school helping with dental screenings. As I walked through the halls, a drawing of a boy holding his tooth caught my eye. I could only hope that one day, I’d make a guest appearance in someone’s show and tell. This picture came courtesy of a team member after I had treated her daughter by slipping out a baby tooth. As soon as the picture loaded on my phone, my heart immediately melted. Please note the accuracy of my hair, the glasses, and my pumpkin shoes.

Volunteer with my dental team at OKMOM (Oklahoma Mission of Mercy)

They say it’s not work if you love what you do. My first experience with MOM took place in Tulsa, OK at their inaugural event in 2010. After volunteering as a pre-dental and a dental student for the past eight years, 2017 let me check another item off my dental bucket list by serving alongside my team!

My heart is so full knowing I spend my days working with a generous and loving dental family willing to travel hours across the state and take time from their loved ones and personal commitments to serve fellow Oklahomans in need.

Be invited to speak at a large dental conference

Last year, I had the opportunity to share my story at the 2016 ADA Opening Session. While having had past public speaking experience, I have never been a part of such a production nor address such a large audience. The ADA staff was so incredibly supportive which helped make taking the stage an experience that I’ll never forget. I never take opportunities like this for granted. I’m forever thankful for my time with the American Student Dental Association and the ADA for empowering me to step out of my comfort zone and to always keep moving forward.

Do you have a dental bucket list? What are the moments that you look forward to experiencing the most? What’s on your list?

Dr. Daryn Lu is a New Dentist Now guest blogger and a general dentist in Shawnee, Oklahoma. He is a member of the ADA, Oklahoma Dental Association and Oklahoma County Dental Society. A 2015 graduate from the University of Oklahoma College of Dentistry, Daryn’s passion for his profession shows through his extensive history within organized dentistry. From an eager predental member of the American Student Dental Association (ASDA) to a passionate local, district, and national volunteer leader — the depth of his experiences has helped shape him as a dental professional and lifelong learner. In his spare time, Daryn is an avid traveler, self-proclaimed foodie, and social media junkie. He lives to travel, travels to eat and shares foodie pictures on your newsfeed.

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